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A comparison of the String Gradient Weighted Moving Finite Element method and a Parabolic Moving Mesh Partial Differential Equation method for solutions of partial differential equations

Abigail Wacher (2013)

Open Mathematics

We compare numerical experiments from the String Gradient Weighted Moving Finite Element method and a Parabolic Moving Mesh Partial Differential Equation method, applied to three benchmark problems based on two different partial differential equations. Both methods are described in detail and we highlight some strengths and weaknesses of each method via the numerical comparisons. The two equations used in the benchmark problems are the viscous Burgers’ equation and the porous medium equation, both...

A Computer Algebra Application to Determination of Lie Symmetries of Partial Differential Equations

Pulov, Vladimir, Chacarov, Edy, Uzunov, Ivan (2007)

Serdica Journal of Computing

The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006A MATHEMATICA package for finding Lie symmetries of partial differential equations is presented. The package is designed to create and solve the associated determining system of equations, the full set of solutions of which generates the widest permissible local Lie group of point symmetry transformations. Examples illustrating the functionality of the package's tools...

A generalization of the classical Euler and Korteweg fluids

Kumbakonam R. Rajagopal (2023)

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of this short paper is threefold. First, we develop an implicit generalization of a constitutive relation introduced by Korteweg (1901) that can describe the phenomenon of capillarity. Second, using a sub-class of the constitutive relations (implicit Euler equations), we show that even in that simple situation more than one of the members of the sub-class may be able to describe one or a set of experiments one is interested in describing, and we must determine which amongst these constitutive...

A nonlinear elliptic equation with singular potential and applications to nonlinear field equations

Marino Badiale, Vieri Benci, Sergio Rolando (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove the existence of cylindrical solutions to the semilinear elliptic problem Δ u + u | y | 2 = f ( u ) , u H 1 ( N ) , u 0 , where ( y , z ) k × N k , N > k 2 and f has a double-power behaviour, subcritical at infinity and supercritical near the origin. This result also implies the existence of solitary waves with nonvanishing angular momentum for nonlinear Schr¨odinger and Klein–Gordon equations.

Adaptive finite element relaxation schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws

Christos Arvanitis, Theodoros Katsaounis, Charalambos Makridakis (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We propose and study semidiscrete and fully discrete finite element schemes based on appropriate relaxation models for systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. These schemes are using piecewise polynomials of arbitrary degree and their consistency error is of high order. The methods are combined with an adaptive strategy that yields fine mesh in shock regions and coarser mesh in the smooth parts of the solution. The computational performance of these methods is demonstrated by considering scalar...

Adaptive Finite Element Relaxation Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

Christos Arvanitis, Theodoros Katsaounis, Charalambos Makridakis (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We propose and study semidiscrete and fully discrete finite element schemes based on appropriate relaxation models for systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. These schemes are using piecewise polynomials of arbitrary degree and their consistency error is of high order. The methods are combined with an adaptive strategy that yields fine mesh in shock regions and coarser mesh in the smooth parts of the solution. The computational performance of these methods is demonstrated by considering scalar...

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