A better numerical solution stability by using the function developments in Cazacu's proper series.
We present a stable class of spacetimes which satisfy the conditions of the singularity theorem of Hawking & Penrose (1970), and which contain naked singularities. This offers counterexamples to a geometric version of the strong cosmic censorship hypothesis.
1. Introduction. It is well known that methods of algebraic geometry and, in particular, Riemann surface techniques are well suited for the solution of nonlinear integrable equations. For instance, for nonlinear evolution equations, so called 'finite gap' solutions have been found by the help of these methods. In 1989 Korotkin [9] succeeded in applying these techniques to the Ernst equation, which is equivalent to Einstein's vacuum equation for axisymmetric stationary fields. But, the Ernst equation...
An important question in mathematical relativity theory is that of the nature of spacetime singularities. The equations of general relativity, the Einstein equations, are essentially hyperbolic in nature and the study of spacetime singularities is naturally related to blow-up phenomena for nonlinear hyperbolic systems. These connections are explained and recent progress in applying the theory of hyperbolic equations in this field is presented. A direction which has turned out to be fruitful is that...
En utilisant une méthode dépendante du temps, nous démontrons la complétude asymptotique pour l'équation des ondes dans une classe d'espaces-temps stationnaires et asymptotiquement plats. On introduit l'observable de vitesse asymptotique et on décrit son spectre (sous des hypothèses plus faibles que pour la complétude asymptotique). Les méthodes utilisées sont inspirées par celles de l'analyse du problème à deux corps en mécanique quantique.
We prove that the entropy solutions of the so-called relativistic heat equation converge to solutions of the heat equation as the speed of light c tends to ∞ for any initial condition u0 ≥ 0 in L1(RN) ∩ L∞(RN).
Viene stabilita una formulazione intrinseca del problema di Cauchy in Relatività generale, per uno spazio-tempo riemanniano descritto da un mezzo continuo globale e non-polare. In termini di variabili proprie: metrica, velocità angolare e di deformazione, densità di pura materia, flusso termico e temperatura. Vengono altresì precisate le condizioni iniziali per i dati di Cauchy su una assegnata superficie spaziale ; condizioni in involuzione nel senso d'E. Cartan, le quali mettono in evidenza,...