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p Harmonic Measure in Simply Connected Domains

John L. Lewis, Kaj Nyström, Pietro Poggi-Corradini (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let Ω be a bounded simply connected domain in the complex plane, . Let N be a neighborhood of Ω , let p be fixed, 1 < p < , and let u ^ be a positive weak solution to the p Laplace equation in Ω N . Assume that u ^ has zero boundary values on Ω in the Sobolev sense and extend u ^ to N Ω by putting u ^ 0 on N Ω . Then there exists a positive finite Borel measure μ ^ on with support contained in Ω and such that | u ^ | p - 2 u ^ , φ d A = - φ d μ ^ whenever φ C 0 ( N ) . If p = 2 and if u ^ is the Green function for Ω with pole at x Ω N ¯ then the measure μ ^ coincides with harmonic measure...

Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Algorithms for Solving the Coupled Electro-diffusion Equations

Yan Xie, Jie Cheng, Benzhuo Lu, Linbo Zhang (2013)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

rithms for solving the 3D electro-diffusion equations such as the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations and the size-modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations in simulations of biomolecular systems in ionic liquid. A set of transformation methods based on the generalized Slotboom variables is used to solve the coupled equations. Calculations of the diffusion-reaction rate coefficients, electrostatic potential and ion concentrations for various systems verify the method’s validity and stability. The iterations...

Parameter estimation in non-linear mixed effects models with SAEM algorithm: extension from ODE to PDE

E. Grenier, V. Louvet, P. Vigneaux (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Parameter estimation in non linear mixed effects models requires a large number of evaluations of the model to study. For ordinary differential equations, the overall computation time remains reasonable. However when the model itself is complex (for instance when it is a set of partial differential equations) it may be time consuming to evaluate it for a single set of parameters. The procedures of population parametrization (for instance using SAEM algorithms) are then very long and in some cases...

Periodic solutions of a three-species periodic reaction-diffusion system

Tiantian Qiao, Jiebao Sun, Boying Wu (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study a periodic reaction-diffusion system of a competitive model with Dirichlet boundary conditions. By the method of upper and lower solutions and an argument similar to that of Ahmad and Lazer, we establish the existence of periodic solutions and also investigate the stability and global attractivity of positive periodic solutions under certain conditions.

Propagation of Growth Uncertainty in a Physiologically Structured Population

H.T. Banks, S. Hu (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this review paper we consider physiologically structured population models that have been widely studied and employed in the literature to model the dynamics of a wide variety of populations. However in a number of cases these have been found inadequate to describe some phenomena arising in certain real-world applications such as dispersion in the structure variables due to growth uncertainty/variability. Prompted by this, we described two recent...

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