Recent progress in the anisotropic electrical impedance problem.
Dans cet article, on étudie la régularité d’une solution réelle, appartenant à pour assez grand, d’une équation aux dérivées partielles strictement hyperbolique et fortement non linéaire d’ordre deux. On suppose que les données de Cauchy sur une hypersurface spatiale lisse sont régulières en dehors d’un point, et ont une singularité conormale en ce point; on démontre alors que la réunion des bicaractéristiques nulles issues de ce point est, en dehors de ce point, une hypersurface lisse et...
Sufficient conditions for the stresses in the threedimensional linearized coupled thermoelastic system including viscoelasticity to be continuous and bounded are derived and optimization of heating processes described by quasicoupled or partially linearized coupled thermoelastic systems with constraints on stresses is treated. Due to the consideration of heating regimes being “as nonregular as possible” and because of the well-known lack of results concerning the classical regularity of solutions...
Si dimostra resistenza e l'unicità della soluzione del problema , nel caso in cui è un aperto di non limitato, è un operatore variazionale ellittico del secondo ordine a coefficienti misurabili e limitati e appartiene a .
We consider the general degenerate parabolic equation :We suppose that the flux is continuous, is nondecreasing continuous and both functions are not necessarily Lipschitz. We prove the existence of the renormalized solution of the associated Cauchy problem for initial data and source term. We establish the uniqueness of this type of solution under a structure condition and an assumption on the modulus of continuity of . The novelty of this work is that , , , , are not Lipschitz...
In this work we derive a posteriori error estimates based on equations residuals for the heat equation with discontinuous diffusivity coefficients. The estimates are based on a fully discrete scheme based on conforming finite elements in each time slab and on the A-stable -scheme with . Following remarks of [Picasso, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 167 (1998) 223–237; Verfürth, Calcolo 40 (2003) 195–212] it is easy to identify a time-discretization error-estimator and a space-discretization...
In this work we derive a posteriori error estimates based on equations residuals for the heat equation with discontinuous diffusivity coefficients. The estimates are based on a fully discrete scheme based on conforming finite elements in each time slab and on the A-stable θ-scheme with 1/2 ≤ θ ≤ 1. Following remarks of [Picasso, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 167 (1998) 223–237; Verfürth, Calcolo40 (2003) 195–212] it is easy to identify a time-discretization error-estimator and a space-discretization...
We prove the unique solvability of parabolic equations with discontinuous leading coefficients in . Using this result, we establish the uniqueness of diffusion processes with time-dependent discontinuous coefficients.
Let χ be a space of homogeneous type. The aims of this paper are as follows.i) Assuming that T is a bounded linear operator on L2(χ), we give a sufficient condition on the kernel of T such that T is of weak type (1,1), hence bounded on Lp(χ) for 1 < p ≤ 2; our condition is weaker then the usual Hörmander integral condition.ii) Assuming that T is a bounded linear operator on L2(Ω) where Ω is a measurable subset of χ, we give a sufficient condition on the kernel of T so that T is of weak type...
We consider the time-harmonic eddy current problem in its electric formulation where the conductor is a polyhedral domain. By proving the convergence in energy, we justify in what sense this problem is the limit of a family of Maxwell transmission problems: Rather than a low frequency limit, this limit has to be understood in the sense of Bossavit [11]. We describe the singularities of the solutions. They are related to edge and corner singularities of certain problems for the scalar Laplace operator,...
We consider the time-harmonic eddy current problem in its electric formulation where the conductor is a polyhedral domain. By proving the convergence in energy, we justify in what sense this problem is the limit of a family of Maxwell transmission problems: Rather than a low frequency limit, this limit has to be understood in the sense of Bossavit [11]. We describe the singularities of the solutions. They are related to edge and corner singularities of certain problems for the scalar Laplace...
We investigate time harmonic Maxwell equations in heterogeneous media, where the permeability μ and the permittivity ε are piecewise constant. The associated boundary value problem can be interpreted as a transmission problem. In a very natural way the interfaces can have edges and corners. We give a detailed description of the edge and corner singularities of the electromagnetic fields.