Displaying 221 – 240 of 355

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Solving inverse nodal problem with frozen argument by using second Chebyshev wavelet method

Yu Ping Wang, Shahrbanoo Akbarpoor Kiasary, Emrah Yılmaz (2024)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the inverse nodal problem for Sturm-Liouville (S-L) equation with frozen argument. Asymptotic behaviours of eigenfunctions, nodal parameters are represented in two cases and numerical algorithms are produced to solve the given problems. Subsequently, solution of inverse nodal problem is calculated by the second Chebyshev wavelet method (SCW), accuracy and effectiveness of the method are shown in some numerical examples.

Some generalizations in the mathematical developments of the theory of the geodetic overdetermined problems.

F. Sacerdote, F. Sansò (1990)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Two particular cases of the overdetermined gravimetry-gradiometry problem are discussed: (i) the case of a latitude-dependant statistical weight for gradiometric data, corresponding to a data distribution coming from satellite polar orbits, (ii) the case of a volume distribution, instead of a surface distribution, for satellite gradiometric data. In both cases a discussion of numerical methods for solving the problem with realistic data is started; for case (i), an analytic solution is found under...

Some Hölder-logarithmic estimates on Hardy-Sobolev spaces

Imed Feki, Ameni Massoudi (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove some optimal estimates of Hölder-logarithmic type in the Hardy-Sobolev spaces H k , p ( G ) , where k * , 1 p and G is either the open unit disk 𝔻 or the annular domain G s , 0 < s < 1 of the complex space . More precisely, we study the behavior on the interior of G of any function f belonging to the unit ball of the Hardy-Sobolev spaces H k , p ( G ) from its behavior on any open connected subset I of the boundary G of G with respect to the L 1 -norm. Our results can be viewed as an improvement and generalization of those established...

Some inverse and control problems for fluids

Enrique Fernández-Cara, Thierry Horsin, Henry Kasumba (2013)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

This paper deals with some inverse and control problems for the Navier-Stokes and related systems. We will focus on some particular aspects that have recently led to interesting (theoretical and numerical) results: geometric inverse problems, Eulerian and Lagrangian controllability and vortex reduction oriented to shape optimization.

Stability estimates for an inverse problem for the linear Boltzmann equation.

Rolci Cipolatti, Carlos M. Motta, Nilson C. Roberty (2006)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this paper we consider the inverse problem of recovering the total extinction coefficient and the collision kernel for the time-dependent Boltzmann equation via boundary measurements. We obtain stability estimates for the extinction coefficient in terms of the albedo operator and also an identification result for the collision kernel.

Stability of the inverse problem in potential scattering at fixed energy

Plamen Stefanov (1990)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We prove an estimate of the kind q 1 - q 2 L C ϕ ( A q 1 - A q 2 R , 3 / 2 - 1 / 2 ) , where A q i ( ω , θ ) , i = 1 , 2 is the scattering amplitude related to the compactly supported potential q i ( x ) at a fixed energy level k = const., ϕ ( t ) = ( - ln t ) - δ , 0 &lt; δ &lt; 1 and · R , 3 / 2 - 1 / 2 is a suitably defined norm.

Sur des problèmes d’asservissements stratigraphiques

Gérard Gagneux, Guy Vallet (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

On expose les difficultés d’ordre mathématique que posent des modèles récents de sédimentation-érosion de bassins élaborés par l’Institut Français du Pétrole et fondés sur la prise en compte de diverses contraintes d’unilatéralité. On présente quelques résultats partiels théoriques et des directions de recherche pour la résolution d’un problème inverse posé par l’étude stratigraphique d’une colonne monolithologique.

Sur des problèmes d'asservissements stratigraphiques

Gérard Gagneux, Guy Vallet (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

On expose les difficultés d'ordre mathématique que posent des modèles récents de sédimentation-érosion de bassins élaborés par l'Institut Français du Pétrole et fondés sur la prise en compte de diverses contraintes d'unilatéralité. On présente quelques résultats partiels théoriques et des directions de recherche pour la résolution d'un problème inverse posé par l'étude stratigraphique d'une colonne monolithologique.

The Back and Forth Nudging algorithm for data assimilation problems : theoretical results on transport equations

Didier Auroux, Maëlle Nodet (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we consider the back and forth nudging algorithm that has been introduced for data assimilation purposes. It consists of iteratively and alternately solving forward and backward in time the model equation, with a feedback term to the observations. We consider the case of 1-dimensional transport equations, either viscous or inviscid, linear or not (Burgers’ equation). Our aim is to prove some theoretical results on the convergence,...

The Back and Forth Nudging algorithm for data assimilation problems : theoretical results on transport equations

Didier Auroux, Maëlle Nodet (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we consider the back and forth nudging algorithm that has been introduced for data assimilation purposes. It consists of iteratively and alternately solving forward and backward in time the model equation, with a feedback term to the observations. We consider the case of 1-dimensional transport equations, either viscous or inviscid, linear or not (Burgers’ equation). Our aim is to prove some theoretical results on the convergence, and convergence properties, of this algorithm. We...

The Back and Forth Nudging algorithm for data assimilation problems : theoretical results on transport equations

Didier Auroux, Maëlle Nodet (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we consider the back and forth nudging algorithm that has been introduced for data assimilation purposes. It consists of iteratively and alternately solving forward and backward in time the model equation, with a feedback term to the observations. We consider the case of 1-dimensional transport equations, either viscous or inviscid, linear or not (Burgers’ equation). Our aim is to prove some theoretical results on the convergence,...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 355