A Riemann–Hilbert problem and the Bernoulli boundary condition in the variational theory of Stokes waves
Para 0 < β < 1 consideramos la ecuación -Δu = χ{u > 0} (-u-β + λf(x, u)) en Ω con condición de borde tipo Dirichlet. Esta ecuación posee una solución maximal uλ ≥ 0 para todo λ > 0. Si λ es menor que una cierta constante λ*, uλ se anula en el interior del dominio creando una frontera libre, y para λ > λ* esta solución es positiva en Ω y estable. Establecemos la regularidad de uλ incluso en presencia de una frontera libre. Para λ ≥ λ* la solución del problema...
We prove a logarithmic stability estimate for a parabolic inverse problem concerning the localization of unknown cavities in a thermic conducting medium in , , from a single pair of boundary measurements of temperature and thermal flux.
We prove a logarithmic stability estimate for a parabolic inverse problem concerning the localization of unknown cavities in a thermic conducting medium Ω in , n ≥ 2, from a single pair of boundary measurements of temperature and thermal flux.
Si stabilisce l'esistenza e l'unicità di una soluzione monotona per il problema di frontiera libera correlato al flusso stazionare d'acqua dolce e salata intorno ad un acquifero eterogeneo. Si provano la continuità e l'esistenza di un limite asintotico della frontiera libera.
Waxy Crude Oils (WCO’s) are characterized by the presence of heavy paraffins in sufficiently large concentrations. They exhibit quite complex thermodynamical and rheological behaviour and present the peculiar property of giving rise to the formation of segregated wax deposits, when temperature falls down the so called WAT, or Wax Appearance Temperature. In extreme cases, segregated waxes may lead to pipeline occlusion due to deposition on cold walls....
We address the numerical approximation of the two-phase Stefan problem and discuss an adaptive finite element method based on rigorous a posteriori error estimation and refinement/coarsening. We also investigate how to restrict coarsening for the resulting method to be stable and convergent. We review implementation issues associated with bisection and conclude with simulations of a persistent corner singularity, for which adaptivity is an essential tool.