Displaying 221 – 240 of 352

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Consistency of the LSE in Linear regression with stationary noise

Guy Cohen, Michael Lin, Arkady Tempelman (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We obtain conditions for L₂ and strong consistency of the least square estimators of the coefficients in a multi-linear regression model with a stationary random noise. For given non-random regressors, we obtain conditions which ensure L₂-consistency for all wide sense stationary noise sequences with spectral measure in a given class. The condition for the class of all noises with continuous (i.e., atomless) spectral measures yields also L p -consistency when the noise is strict sense stationary with...

Construcción de campos vectoriales en base a integrales parciales dadas.

Rafael Ramírez, Natalia Sadovskaia (1989)

Collectanea Mathematica

A mathematical model based on the principle of less contractions is proposed for the construction of velocity vector fields and forces from given integrals. Necessary algebraic conditions for the solution of the problem are deduced. In addition, the velocity vector field is extended in a neighbourhood of the integrals. Applications and examples are given.

Constructing equivariant maps for representations

Stefano Francaviglia (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that if Γ is a discrete subgroup of the group of the isometries of k , and if ρ is a representation of Γ into the group of the isometries of n , then any ρ -equivariant map F : k n extends to the boundary in a weak sense in the setting of Borel measures. As a consequence of this fact, we obtain an extension of a result of Besson, Courtois and Gallot about the existence of volume non-increasing, equivariant maps. Then, we show that the weak extension we obtain is actually a measurable ρ -equivariant...

Construction du cœur compact d’un arbre réel par substitution d’arbre

Yann Jullian (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Étant donné un automorphisme σ d’un groupe libre et un représentant topologique train-track de son inverse, on peut construire un arbre réel T appelé arbre répulsif de σ . Le groupe libre agit sur T par isométries. La dynamique engendrée par σ peut être représentée par l’action du groupe libre restreinte à un sous-ensemble compact bien choisi du complété métrique de T . Cet article construit ce sous-ensemble sur une classe d’exemples en introduisant des opérations appelées substitutions d’arbre ;...

Construction of 0-1 matrices associated to period-doubling processes.

J. P. Lampreia, A. Rica da Silva, J. Sousa Ramos (1985)


We elaborate a method allowing the determination of 0-1 matrices corresponding to dynamics of the interval having stable, 2k-periodic orbits, k belonging to N. By recurrence on the finite dimensional matrices, we establish the form of the infinite matrices (k --> ∞).

Construction of attractors and filtrations

George Osipenko (1999)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is a study of the global structure of the attractors of a dynamical system. The dynamical system is associated with an oriented graph called a Symbolic Image of the system. The symbolic image can be considered as a finite discrete approximation of the dynamical system flow. Investigation of the symbolic image provides an opportunity to localize the attractors of the system and to estimate their domains of attraction. A special sequence of symbolic images is considered in order to obtain...

Construction of non-constant and ergodic cocycles

Mahesh Nerurkar (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We construct continuous G-valued cocycles that are not cohomologous to any compact constant via a measurable transfer function, provided the underlying dynamical system is rigid and the range group G satisfies a certain general condition. For more general ergodic aperiodic systems, we also show that the set of continuous ergodic cocycles is residual in the class of all continuous cocycles provided the range group G is a compact connected Lie group. The first construction is based on the "closure...

Contact hamiltonians distinguishing locally certain Goursat systems

Piotr Mormul (2000)

Banach Center Publications

For the first time in dimension 9, the Goursat distributions are not locally smoothly classified by their small growth vector at a point. As shown in [M1], in dimension 9 of the underlying manifold 93 different local behaviours are possible and four irregular pairs of them have coinciding small growth vectors. In the present paper we distinguish geometrically objects in three of those pairs. Smooth functions in three variables - contact hamiltonians in the terminology of Arnold, [A] - help to do...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 352