Displaying 381 – 400 of 558

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Almost sure global well-posedness for the radial nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the unit ball II: the 3d case

Jean Bourgain, Aynur Bulut (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We extend the convergence method introduced in our works [8–10] for almost sure global well-posedness of Gibbs measure evolutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) and nonlinear wave (NLW) equations on the unit ball in d to the case of the three dimensional NLS. This is the first probabilistic global well-posedness result for NLS with supercritical data on the unit ball in 3 . The initial data is taken as a Gaussian random process lying in the support of the Gibbs measure associated to the equation,...

Almost sure limit theorems for dependent random variables

Michał Seweryn (2010)

Banach Center Publications

For a sequence of dependent random variables ( X k ) k we consider a large class of summability methods defined by R. Jajte in [jaj] as follows: For a pair of real-valued nonnegative functions g,h: ℝ⁺ → ℝ⁺ we define a sequence of “weighted averages” 1 / g ( n ) k = 1 n ( X k ) / h ( k ) , where g and h satisfy some mild conditions. We investigate the almost sure behavior of such transformations. We also take a close look at the connection between the method of summation (that is the pair of functions (g,h)) and the coefficients that measure...

Almost sure well-posedness for the periodic 3D quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation below the energy space

Andrea R. Nahmod, Gigliola Staffilani (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We also prove a long time existence result; more precisely we prove that for fixed T > 0 there exists a set Σ T , ( Σ T ) > 0 such that any data φ ω ( x ) H γ ( 𝕋 3 ) , γ < 1 , ω Σ T , evolves up to time T into a solution u ( t ) with u ( t ) - e i t Δ φ ω C ( [ 0 , T ] ; H s ( 𝕋 3 ) ) , s = s ( γ ) > 1 . In particular we find a nontrivial set of data which gives rise to long time solutions below the critical space H 1 ( 𝕋 3 ) , that is in the supercritical scaling regime.

Almost-sure growth rate of generalized random Fibonacci sequences

Élise Janvresse, Benoît Rittaud, Thierry de la Rue (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study the generalized random Fibonacci sequences defined by their first non-negative terms and for n≥1, Fn+2=λFn+1±Fn (linear case) and ̃Fn+2=|λ̃Fn+1±̃Fn| (non-linear case), where each ± sign is independent and either + with probability p or − with probability 1−p (0&lt;p≤1). Our main result is that, when λ is of the form λk=2cos(π/k) for some integer k≥3, the exponential growth of Fn for 0&lt;p≤1, and of ̃Fn for 1/k&lt;p≤1, is almost surely positive and given by ∫0∞log x dνk, ρ(x),...

Amenability and Ramsey theory in the metric setting

Adriane Kaïchouh (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Moore [Fund. Math. 220 (2013)] characterizes the amenability of the automorphism groups of countable ultrahomogeneous structures by a Ramsey-type property. We extend this result to the automorphism groups of metric Fraïssé structures, which encompass all Polish groups. As an application, we prove that amenability is a G δ condition.

Amenability of linear-activity automaton groups

Gideon Amir, Omer Angel, Bálint Virág (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove that every linear-activity automaton group is amenable. The proof is based on showing that a random walk on a specially constructed degree 1 automaton group – the mother group – has asymptotic entropy 0. Our result answers an open question by Nekrashevych in the Kourovka notebook, and gives a partial answer to a question of Sidki.

An algebraic formulation of Thurston’s characterization of rational functions

Kevin M. Pilgrim (2012)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Following Douady-Hubbard and Bartholdi-Nekrashevych, we give an algebraic formulation of Thurston’s characterization of rational functions. The techniques developed are applied to the analysis of the dynamics on the set of free homotopy classes of simple closed curves induced by a rational function. The resulting finiteness results yield new information on the global dynamics of the pullback map on Teichmüller space used in the proof of the characterization theorem.

An Alpern tower independent of a given partition

James T. Campbell, Jared T. Collins, Steven Kalikow, Raena King, Randall McCutcheon (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Given a measure-preserving transformation T of a probability space (X,ℬ,μ) and a finite measurable partition ℙ of X, we show how to construct an Alpern tower of any height whose base is independent of the partition ℙ. That is, given N ∈ ℕ, there exists a Rokhlin tower of height N, with base B and error set E, such that B is independent of ℙ, and TE ⊂ B.

An analogue of the Variational Principle for group and pseudogroup actions

Andrzej Biś (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We generalize to the case of finitely generated groups of homeomorphisms the notion of a local measure entropy introduced by Brin and Katok [7] for a single map. We apply the theory of dimensional type characteristics of a dynamical system elaborated by Pesin [25] to obtain a relationship between the topological entropy of a pseudogroup and a group of homeomorphisms of a metric space, defined by Ghys, Langevin and Walczak in [12], and its local measure entropies. We prove an analogue of the Variational...

An anti-classification theorem for ergodic measure preserving transformations

Matthew Foreman, Benjamin Weiss (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Despite many notable advances the general problem of classifying ergodic measure preserving transformations (MPT) has remained wide open. We show that the action of the whole group of MPT’s on ergodic actions by conjugation is turbulent in the sense of G. Hjorth. The type of classifications ruled out by this property include countable algebraic objects such as those that occur in the Halmos–von Neumann theorem classifying ergodic MPT’s with pure point spectrum. We treat both the classical case of...

An Application of Skew Product Maps to Markov Chains

Zbigniew S. Kowalski (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

By using the skew product definition of a Markov chain we obtain the following results: (a) Every k-step Markov chain is a quasi-Markovian process. (b) Every piecewise linear map with a Markovian partition defines a Markov chain for every absolutely continuous invariant measure. (c) Satisfying the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation is not sufficient for a process to be quasi-Markovian.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 558