The Exponential Map is Not Recurrent.
We propose the title of The Fundamental Theorem of Dynamical Systems for a theorem of Charles Conley concerning the decomposition of spaces on which dynamical systems are defined. First, we briefly set the context and state the theorem. After some definitions and preliminary results, based both on Conley's work and modifications to it, we present a sketch of a proof of the result in the setting of the iteration of continuous functions on compact metric spaces. Finally, we claim that this theorem...
Several examples of gaps (lacunes) between dimensions of maximal and submaximal symmetric models are considered, which include investigation of number of independent linear and quadratic integrals of metrics and counting the symmetries of geometric structures and differential equations. A general result clarifying this effect in the case when the structure is associated to a vector distribution, is proposed.
The differential-geometric and topological structure of Delsarte transmutation operators and their associated Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko type eqautions are studied along with classical Dirac type operator and its multidimensional affine extension, related with selfdual Yang-Mills eqautions. The construction of soliton-like solutions to the related set of nonlinear dynamical system is discussed.
It is known that there is a comeagre set of mutually conjugate measure preserving homeomorphisms of Cantor space equipped with the coinflipping probability measure, i.e., Haar measure. We show that the generic measure preserving homeomorphism is moreover conjugate to all of its powers. It follows that the generic measure preserving homeomorphism extends to an action of (ℚ, +) by measure preserving homeomorphisms, and, in fact, to an action of the locally compact ring 𝔄 of finite adèles. ...
In the sense of the Baire Category Theorem we show that the generic transformation T has roots of all orders (RAO theorem). The argument appears novel in that it proceeds by establishing that the set of such T is not meager - and then appeals to a Zero-One Law (Lemma 2). On the group Ω of (invertible measure-preserving) transformations, §D shows that the squaring map p: S → S^{2} is topologically complex in that both the locally-dense and locally-lacunary points of p are dense (Theorem 23). The...
By using the Seiberg-Witten invariant we show that the region under the Noether line in the lattice domain is covered by minimal, simply connected, symplectic 4-manifolds.
We present a dynamic geometric model of phyllotaxis based on two postulates, primordia formation and meristem expansion. We find that Fibonacci, Lucas, bijugate and multijugate are all variations of the same unifying phenomenon and that the difference lies in the changes in position of initial primordia. We explore the set of all initial positions and color-code its points depending on the phyllotactic pattern that arises.
We give a geometric construction of the phase space of the elliptic Calogero-Moser system for arbitrary root systems, as a space of Weyl invariant pairs (bundles, Higgs fields) on the -th power of the elliptic curve, where is the rank of the root system. The Poisson structure and the Hamiltonians of the integrable system are given natural constructions. We also exhibit a curious duality between the spectral varieties for the system associated to a root system, and the Lagrangian varieties for...