Displaying 41 – 60 of 213

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Cardinality of Rauzy classes

Vincent Delecroix (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Rauzy classes form a partition of the set of irreducible permutations. They were introduced as part of a renormalization algorithm for interval exchange transformations. We prove an explicit formula for the cardinality of each Rauzy class. Our proof uses a geometric interpretation of permutations and Rauzy classes in terms of translation surfaces and moduli spaces.

Chaotic behaviour of the map x ↦ ω(x, f)

Emma D’Aniello, Timothy Steele (2014)

Open Mathematics

Let K(2ℕ) be the class of compact subsets of the Cantor space 2ℕ, furnished with the Hausdorff metric. Let f ∈ C(2ℕ). We study the map ω f: 2ℕ → K(2ℕ) defined as ω f (x) = ω(x, f), the ω-limit set of x under f. Unlike the case of n-dimensional manifolds, n ≥ 1, we show that ω f is continuous for the generic self-map f of the Cantor space, even though the set of functions for which ω f is everywhere discontinuous on a subsystem is dense in C(2ℕ). The relationships between the continuity of ω f and...

Codages de rotations et phénomènes d'autosimilarité

Boris Adamczewski (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Nous étudions une classe de suites symboliques, les codages de rotations, intervenant dans des problèmes de répartition des suites ( n α ) n et représentant une généralisation géométrique des suites sturmiennes. Nous montrons que ces suites peuvent être obtenues par itération de quatre substitutions définies sur un alphabet à trois lettres, puis en appliquant un morphisme de projection. L’ordre d’itération de ces applications est gouverné par un développement bi-dimensionnel de type “fraction continue”...

Coincidence for substitutions of Pisot type

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Let ϕ be a substitution of Pisot type on the alphabet 𝒜 = { 1 , 2 , ... , d } ; ϕ satisfies thestrong coincidence conditionif for every i , j 𝒜 , there are integers k , n such that ϕ n ( i ) and ϕ n ( j ) have the same k -th letter, and the prefixes of length k - 1 of ϕ n ( i ) and ϕ n ( j ) have the same image under the abelianization map. We prove that the strong coincidence condition is satisfied if d = 2 and provide a partial result for d 2 .

Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We study the complexity of the infinite word u β associated with the Rényi expansion of 1 in an irrational base β > 1 . When β is the golden ratio, this is the well known Fibonacci word, which is sturmian, and of complexity ( n ) = n + 1 . For β such that d β ( 1 ) = t 1 t 2 t m is finite we provide a simple description of the structure of special factors of the word u β . When t m = 1 we show that ( n ) = ( m - 1 ) n + 1 . In the cases when t 1 = t 2 = = t m - 1 or t 1 > max { t 2 , , t m - 1 } we show that the first difference of the complexity function ( n + 1 ) - ( n ) takes value in { m - 1 , m } for every n , and consequently we determine...

Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study the complexity of the infinite word uβ associated with the Rényi expansion of 1 in an irrational base β > 1. When β is the golden ratio, this is the well known Fibonacci word, which is Sturmian, and of complexity C(n) = n + 1. For β such that dβ(1) = t1t2...tm is finite we provide a simple description of the structure of special factors of the word uβ. When tm=1 we show that C(n) = (m - 1)n + 1. In the cases when t1 = t2 = ... tm-1or t1 > max{t2,...,tm-1} we show that the first difference of...

Connectedness of fractals associated with Arnoux–Rauzy substitutions

Valérie Berthé, Timo Jolivet, Anne Siegel (2014)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Rauzy fractals are compact sets with fractal boundary that can be associated with any unimodular Pisot irreducible substitution. These fractals can be defined as the Hausdorff limit of a sequence of compact sets, where each set is a renormalized projection of a finite union of faces of unit cubes. We exploit this combinatorial definition to prove the connectedness of the Rauzy fractal associated with any finite product of three-letter Arnoux–Rauzy substitutions.

Construction du cœur compact d’un arbre réel par substitution d’arbre

Yann Jullian (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Étant donné un automorphisme σ d’un groupe libre et un représentant topologique train-track de son inverse, on peut construire un arbre réel T appelé arbre répulsif de σ . Le groupe libre agit sur T par isométries. La dynamique engendrée par σ peut être représentée par l’action du groupe libre restreinte à un sous-ensemble compact bien choisi du complété métrique de T . Cet article construit ce sous-ensemble sur une classe d’exemples en introduisant des opérations appelées substitutions d’arbre ;...

Construction of attractors and filtrations

George Osipenko (1999)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is a study of the global structure of the attractors of a dynamical system. The dynamical system is associated with an oriented graph called a Symbolic Image of the system. The symbolic image can be considered as a finite discrete approximation of the dynamical system flow. Investigation of the symbolic image provides an opportunity to localize the attractors of the system and to estimate their domains of attraction. A special sequence of symbolic images is considered in order to obtain...

Corrigendum : “Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions”

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We add a sufficient condition for validity of Propo- sition 4.10 in the paper Frougny et al. (2004). This condition is not a necessary one, it is nevertheless convenient, since anyway most of the statements in the paper Frougny et al. (2004) use it.

Corrigendum: Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We add a sufficient condition for validity of Propo- sition 4.10 in the paper Frougny et al. (2004). This condition is not a necessary one, it is nevertheless convenient, since anyway most of the statements in the paper Frougny et al. (2004) use it.

Density of the set of symbolic dynamics with all ergodic measures supported on periodic orbits

Tatiane Cardoso Batista, Juliano dos Santos Gonschorowski, Fabio Armando Tal (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let K be the Cantor set. We prove that arbitrarily close to a homeomorphism T: K → K there exists a homeomorphism T̃: K → K such that the ω-limit of every orbit is a periodic orbit. We also prove that arbitrarily close to an endomorphism T: K → K there exists an endomorphism T̃: K → K with every orbit finally periodic.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 213