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Statistical properties of unimodal maps

Artur Avila, Carlos Gustavo Moreira (2005)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

We consider typical analytic unimodal maps which possess a chaotic attractor. Our main result is an explicit combinatorial formula for the exponents of periodic orbits. Since the exponents of periodic orbits form a complete set of smooth invariants, the smooth structure is completely determined by purely topological data (“typical rigidity”), which is quite unexpected in this setting. It implies in particular that the lamination structure of spaces of analytic unimodal maps (obtained by the partition...

Sur le codage du flot géodésique dans un arbre

Anne Broise-Alamichel, Frédéric Paulin (2007)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Étant donné un arbre T et un groupe Γ d’automorphismes de T , nous étudions les propriétés markoviennes du flot géodésique sur le quotient de l’espace des géodésiques de T par Γ . Par exemple, quand T est l’arbre de Bruhat-Tits d’un groupe algébrique linéaire connexe semi-simple G ̲ de rang 1 sur un corps local non archimédien K ^ et si Γ est un réseau (éventuellement non uniforme) dans G ̲ ( K ^ ) , nous montrons que l’action des puissances paires de la transformation géodésique est Bernoulli d’entropie finie sur...

Symbolic dynamics and Lyapunov exponents for Lozi maps

Diogo Baptista, Ricardo Severino (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings

Building on the kneading theory for Lozi maps introduced by Yutaka Ishii, in 1997, we introduce a symbolic method to compute its largest Lyapunov exponent. We use this method to study the behavior of the largest Lyapunov exponent for the set of points whose forward and backward orbits remain bounded, and find the maximum value that the largest Lyapunov exponent can assume.

Synchronization with error bound of non-identical forced oscillators

Jian Gen Wang, Jianping Cai, Mihua Ma, Jiuchao Feng (2008)


Synchronization with error bound of two non-identical forced oscillators is studied in the paper. By introducing two auxiliary autonomous systems, differential inequality technique and active control technique are used to deal with the synchronization of two non-identical forced oscillators with parameter mismatch in external harmonic excitations. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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