A geometric setting for classical molecular dynamics
Let X be a germ of holomorphic vector field at the origin of Cn and vanishing there. We assume that X is a good perturbation of a “nondegenerate” singular completely integrable system. The latter is associated to a family of linear diagonal vector fields which is assumed to have nontrivial polynomial first integrals (they are generated by the so called “resonant monomials”). We show that X admits many invariant analytic subsets in a neighborhood of the origin. These are biholomorphic to the intersection...
We obtain an algebraic interpretation by means of the Picard-Vessiot theory of a result by Ziglin about the self-intersection of complex separatrices of time-periodically perturbed one-degree of freedom complex analytical Hamiltonian systems.
In this note we discuss the geometrical relationship between bi-Hamiltonian systems and bi-differential calculi, introduced by Dimakis and Möller–Hoissen.
The first and the second Painlevé equations are explicitly Hamiltonian with time dependent Hamilton function. By a natural extension of the phase space one gets corresponding autonomous Hamiltonian systems in ℂ⁴. We prove that the latter systems do not have any additional algebraic first integral. In the proof equations in variations with respect to a parameter are used.