Pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectizations with applications to the Weinstein conjecture in dimension three.
We give sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability of a Markov operator governing the evolution of measures due to the action of randomly chosen dynamical systems. We show that the existence of an invariant measure for the transition operator implies the existence of an invariant measure for the semigroup generated by the system.
We study spectral asymptotics and resolvent bounds for non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint -pseudodifferential operators in dimension 2, assuming that the classical flow of the unperturbed part is completely integrable. Spectral contributions coming from rational invariant Lagrangian tori are analyzed. Estimating the tunnel effect between strongly irrational (Diophantine) and rational tori, we obtain an accurate description of the spectrum in a suitable complex window, provided that the...
For a riemannian structure on a semidirect product of Lie groups, the variational problems can be reduced using the group symmetry. Choosing the Levi-Civita connection of a positive definite metric tensor, instead of any of the canonical connections for the Lie group, simplifies the reduction of the variations but complicates the expression for the Lie algebra valued covariant derivatives. The origin of the discrepancy is in the semidirect product structure, which implies that the riemannian exponential...
For a Riemannian structure on a semidirect product of Lie groups, the variational problems can be reduced using the group symmetry. Choosing the Levi-Civita connection of a positive definite metric tensor, instead of any of the canonical connections for the Lie group, simplifies the reduction of the variations but complicates the expression for the Lie algebra valued covariant derivatives. The origin of the discrepancy is in the semidirect product structure, which implies that the Riemannian exponential...