Characterization of Convolution Operators on Spaces of C-Functions Admitting a Continuous Linear Right Inverse.
Extending previous work by Meise and Vogt, we characterize those convolution operators, defined on the space of (ω)-quasianalytic functions of Beurling type of one variable, which admit a continuous linear right inverse. Also, we characterize those (ω)-ultradifferential operators which admit a continuous linear right inverse on for each compact interval [a,b] and we show that this property is in fact weaker than the existence of a continuous linear right inverse on .
We introduce the new class of Besicovitch-Musielak-Orlicz almost periodic functions and consider its strict convexity with respect to the Luxemburg norm.
Pisier's characterization of Sidon sets as containing proportional-sized quasi-independent subsets is given a sharper form for groups with only a finite number of elements having orders a power of 2. No such improvement is possible for a general Sidon subset of a group having an infinite number of elements of order 2. The method used also gives several sharper forms of Ramsey's characterization of Sidon sets as containing proportional-sized I₀-subsets in a uniform way, again in groups containing...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A35; 42A75; 47A16, 47L10, 47L80The Dunkl operators.* Supported by the Tunisian Research Foundation under 04/UR/15-02.
We investigate weighted norm inequalities for the commutator of a fractional integral operator and multiplication by a function. In particular, we show that, for and α/n + 1/q = 1/p, the norm is equivalent to the norm of b in the weighted BMO space BMO(ν), where . This work extends some of the results on this topic existing in the literature, and continues a line of investigation which was initiated by Bloom in 1985 and was recently developed further by the first author, Lacey, and Wick.
We describe the complete interpolating sequences for the Paley-Wiener spaces Lπp (1 < p < ∞) in terms of Muckenhoupt's (Ap) condition. For p = 2, this description coincides with those given by Pavlov [9], Nikol'skii [8] and Minkin [7] of the unconditional bases of complex exponentials in L2(-π,π). While the techniques of these authors are linked to the Hilbert space geometry of Lπ2, our method of proof is based in turning the problem into one about boundedness of the Hilbert transform...
For a locally compact Hausdorff group we investigate what functions in give rise to completely continuous multipliers from into . In the case of a metrizable group we obtain a complete description of such functions. In particular, for compact all in induce completely continuous .
We characterize, in terms of the Beurling-Malliavin density, the discrete spectra Λ ⊂ R for which a generator exists, that is a function φ ∈ L1(R) such that its Λ translates φ(x - λ), λ ∈ Λ, span L1(R). It is shown that these spectra coincide with the uniqueness sets for certain analytic clases. We also present examples of discrete spectra Λ ∈ R which do not admit a single generator while they admit a pair of generators.
We study the Complex Unconditional Metric Approximation Property for translation invariant spaces of continuous functions on the circle group. We show that although some “tiny” (Sidon) sets do not have this property, there are “big” sets Λ for which has (ℂ-UMAP); though these sets are such that contains functions which are not continuous, we show that there is a linear invariant lifting from these spaces into the Baire class 1 functions.