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Mazur-Orlicz equality

Fon-Che Liu (2008)

Studia Mathematica

A remarkable theorem of Mazur and Orlicz which generalizes the Hahn-Banach theorem is here put in a convenient form through an equality which will be referred to as the Mazur-Orlicz equality. Applications of the Mazur-Orlicz equality to lower barycenters for means, separation principles, Lax-Milgram lemma in reflexive Banach spaces, and monotone variational inequalities are provided.

Measure of noncompactness of linear operators between spaces of sequences that are ( N ¯ , q ) summable or bounded

Eberhard Malkowsky, V. Rakočević (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we investigate linear operators between arbitrary BK spaces X and spaces Y of sequences that are ( N ¯ , q ) summable or bounded. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for infinite matrices A to map X into Y . Further, the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness is applied to give necessary and sufficient conditions for A to be a compact operator.

Measures of non-compactness in Orlicz modular spaces.

A. G. Aksoy, J.-B. Baillon (1993)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper we show that the ball-measure of non-compactness of a norm bounded subset of an Orlicz modular space L-Psi is equal to the limit of its n-widths. We also obtain several inequalities between the measures of non-compactness and the limit of the n-widths for modular bounded subsets of L-Psi which do not have Delta-2-condition. Minimum conditions on Psi to have such results are specified and an example of such a function Psi is provided.

Metrizability of precompact sets: an elementary proof.

J. C. Ferrando, J. Kakol, M. López Pellicer (2005)


Proporcionamos una demostración muy corta de un teorema de Cascales-Orihuela que establece que todo conjunto precompacto de un espacio localmente convexo de la clase G (en el sentido de Cascales-Orihuela) es metrizable.

Minimal pairs of bounded closed convex sets as minimal representations of elements of the Minkowski-Rådström-Hörmander spaces

Jerzy Grzybowski, Diethard Pallaschke, Ryszard Urbański (2009)

Banach Center Publications

The theory of minimal pairs of bounded closed convex sets was treated extensively in the book authored by D. Pallaschke and R. Urbański, Pairs of Compact Convex Sets, Fractional Arithmetic with Convex Sets. In the present paper we summarize the known results, generalize some of them and add new ones.

Minimal pairs of compact convex sets

Diethard Pallaschke, Ryszard Urbański (2004)

Banach Center Publications

Pairs of compact convex sets naturally arise in quasidifferential calculus as sub- and superdifferentials of a quasidifferentiable function (see Dem86). Since the sub- and superdifferentials are not uniquely determined, minimal representations are of special importance. In this paper we give a survey on some recent results on minimal pairs of closed bounded convex sets in a topological vector space (see PALURB). Particular attention is paid to the problem of characterizing minimal representatives...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 68