Displaying 41 – 60 of 68

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Mittag-Leffler methods in analysis.

Jorge Mújica (1995)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

In this survey we present two Mittag-Leffler lemmas and several applications to topics as varied as the delta-equation, Fréchet algebras, inductive limits of Banach spaces and quasi-normable Fréchet spaces.

Monotone extenders for bounded c-valued functions

Kaori Yamazaki (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Let c be the Banach space consisting of all convergent sequences of reals with the sup-norm, C ( A , c ) the set of all bounded continuous functions f: A → c, and C A ( X , c ) the set of all functions f: X → c which are continuous at each point of A ⊂ X. We show that a Tikhonov subspace A of a topological space X is strong Choquet in X if there exists a monotone extender u : C ( A , c ) C A ( X , c ) . This shows that the monotone extension property for bounded c-valued functions can fail in GO-spaces, which provides a negative answer to a question...

Montel and reflexive preduals of spaces of holomorphic functions on Fréchet spaces

Christopher Boyd (1993)

Studia Mathematica

For U open in a locally convex space E it is shown in [31] that there is a complete locally convex space G(U) such that G ( U ) i ' = ( ( U ) , τ δ ) . Here, we assume U is balanced open in a Fréchet space and give necessary and sufficient conditions for G(U) to be Montel and reflexive. These results give an insight into the relationship between the τ 0 and τ ω topologies on ℋ (U).

Multilinear Hölder-type inequalities on Lorentz sequence spaces

Daniel Carando, Verónica Dimant, Pablo Sevilla-Peris (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We establish Hölder-type inequalities for Lorentz sequence spaces and their duals. In order to achieve these and some related inequalities, we study diagonal multilinear forms in general sequence spaces, and obtain estimates for their norms. We also consider norms of multilinear forms in different Banach multilinear ideals.

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