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Weighted Fréchet spaces of holomorphic functions

Elke Wolf (2006)

Studia Mathematica

This article deals with weighted Fréchet spaces of holomorphic functions which are defined as countable intersections of weighted Banach spaces of type H . We characterize when these Fréchet spaces are Schwartz, Montel or reflexive. The quasinormability is also analyzed. In the latter case more restrictive assumptions are needed to obtain a full characterization.

Weighted L -estimates for Bergman projections

José Bonet, Miroslav Engliš, Jari Taskinen (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We consider Bergman projections and some new generalizations of them on weighted L ( ) -spaces. A new reproducing formula is obtained. We show the boundedness of these projections for a large family of weights v which tend to 0 at the boundary with a polynomial speed. These weights may even be nonradial. For logarithmically decreasing weights bounded projections do not exist. In this case we instead consider the projective description problem for holomorphic inductive limits.

Weighted (LB)-spaces of holomorphic functions and the dual density conditions.

Elke Wolf (2005)


Consideramos límites inductivos ponderados de espacios de funciones holomorfas que están definidos como la unión numerable de espacios ponderados de Banach de tipo H∞. Estudiamos el problema de la descripción proyectiva y analizamos cuando estos espacios tienen la condición de densidad dual de Bierstedt y Bonet.

Weighted shift operators on lp spaces.

Lucas Jódar (1986)


The analytic-spectral structure of the commutant of a weighted shift operator defined on a lp space (1 ≤ p < ∞) is studied. The cases unilateral, bilateral and quasinilpotent are treated. We apply the results to study certain questions related to unicellularity, strictly cyclicity and the existence of hyperinvariant subspaces.

When ( E , σ ( E , E ' ) ) is a D F -space?

Dorota Krassowska, Wiesƚaw Śliwa (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let ( E , t ) be a Hausdorff locally convex space. Either ( E , σ ( E , E ' ) ) or ( E ' , σ ( E ' , E ) ) is a D F -space iff E is of finite dimension (THEOREM). This is the most general solution of the problem studied by Iyahen [2] and Radenovič [3].

Wiener amalgam spaces with respect to quasi-Banach spaces

Holger Rauhut (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We generalize the theory of Wiener amalgam spaces on locally compact groups to quasi-Banach spaces. As a main result we provide convolution relations for such spaces. Also we weaken the technical assumption that the global component is invariant under right translations, which is new even for the classical Banach space case. To illustrate our theory we discuss in detail an example on the ax+b group.

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