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Applications sommantes et radonifiantes

Patrice Assouad (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient E , F des espaces de Banach L ϕ , L ψ des espaces d’Orlicz, on définit les applications ϕ - ψ sommantes de E dans F . On montre que de telles applications sont ϕ - ψ radonifiantes de E dans σ ( F ' ' , F ' ) .On donne une factorisation caractéristique des applications ϕ - 0 sommantes.

Approach regions for the square root of the Poisson kernel and boundary functions in certain Orlicz spaces

M. Brundin (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

If the Poisson integral of the unit disc is replaced by its square root, it is known that normalized Poisson integrals of L p and weak L p boundary functions converge along approach regions wider than the ordinary nontangential cones, as proved by Rönning and the author, respectively. In this paper we characterize the approach regions for boundary functions in two general classes of Orlicz spaces. The first of these classes contains spaces L Φ having the property L L Φ L p , 1 p < . The second contains spaces L Φ that...

Approximate identities and Young type inequalities in Musielak-Orlicz spaces

Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Mizuta, Takao Ohno, Tetsu Shimomura (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We discuss the convergence of approximate identities in Musielak-Orlicz spaces extending the results given by Cruz-Uribe and Fiorenza (2007) and the authors F.-Y. Maeda, Y. Mizuta and T. Ohno (2010). As in these papers, we treat the case where the approximate identity is of potential type and the case where the approximate identity is defined by a function of compact support. We also give a Young type inequality for convolution with respect to the norm in Musielak-Orlicz spaces.

Approximation by nonlinear integral operators in some modular function spaces

Carlo Bardaro, Julian Musielak, Gianluca Vinti (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let G be a locally compact Hausdorff group with Haar measure, and let L⁰(G) be the space of extended real-valued measurable functions on G, finite a.e. Let ϱ and η be modulars on L⁰(G). The error of approximation ϱ(a(Tf - f)) of a function f ( L ( G ) ) ϱ + η D o m T is estimated, where ( T f ) ( s ) = G K ( t - s , f ( t ) ) d t and K satisfies a generalized Lipschitz condition with respect to the second variable.

Approximation by trigonometric polynomials in weighted Orlicz spaces

Daniyal M. Israfilov, Ali Guven (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the approximation properties of the partial sums of the Fourier series and prove some direct and inverse theorems for approximation by polynomials in weighted Orlicz spaces. In particular we obtain a constructive characterization of the generalized Lipschitz classes in these spaces.

Approximation par des opérateurs compacts ou faiblement compacts à valeurs dans C ( X )

Hicham Fakhoury (1977)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient W = L ' ( μ ) et V = C ( X ) . Il existe une application (non linéaire) normiquement continue T P ( T ) de l’espace des opérateurs bornés de W dans V sur l’espace des opérateurs compacts (resp. faiblement compacts) de W dans V telle que T - P ( T ) coïncide avec la distance de T au sous-espace formé des opérateurs compacts (resp. faiblement compacts). Pour un opérateur donné T de W dans V on étudie les propriétés de l’ensemble K ( T ) (resp. F ( T ) ) des opérateurs compacts (resp. faiblement compacts) tel que pour tout R de K ( T ) (resp. K ( T ) ) la quantité...

Approximation problems in modular spaces of double sequences.

Aleksander Waszak (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let X denote the space of all real, bounded double sequences, and let Φ, φ, Γ be φ-functions. Moreover, let Ψ be an increasing, continuous function for u ≥ 0 such that Ψ(0) = 0.In this paper we consider some spaces of double sequences provided with two-modular structure given by generalized variations and the translation operator (...).

Automorphisms of the algebra of operators in p preserving conditioning

Ryszard Jajte (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let α be an isometric automorphism of the algebra p of bounded linear operators in p [ 0 , 1 ] (p ≥ 1). Then α transforms conditional expectations into conditional expectations if and only if α is induced by a measure preserving isomorphism of [0, 1].

B M O ψ -spaces and applications to extrapolation theory

Stefan Geiss (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate a scale of B M O ψ -spaces defined with the help of certain Lorentz norms. The results are applied to extrapolation techniques concerning operators defined on adapted sequences. Our extrapolation works simultaneously with two operators, starts with B M O ψ - L -estimates, and arrives at L p - L p -estimates, or more generally, at estimates between K-functionals from interpolation theory.

Banach algebra of the Fourier multipliers on weighted Banach function spaces

Alexei Karlovich (2015)

Concrete Operators

Let MX,w(ℝ) denote the algebra of the Fourier multipliers on a separable weighted Banach function space X(ℝ,w).We prove that if the Cauchy singular integral operator S is bounded on X(ℝ, w), thenMX,w(ℝ) is continuously embedded into L∞(ℝ). An important consequence of the continuous embedding MX,w(ℝ) ⊂ L∞(ℝ) is that MX,w(ℝ) is a Banach algebra.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 1406