Smoothness properties of functions in at certain boundary points.
We study the effect of changing the residue field, on the topological properties of local algebra homomorphisms of analytic algebras (quotients of convergent power series rings). Although injectivity is not preserved, openness and closedness in the Krull topology, simple topology, and inductive topology is preserved.
Let be a metric space and . We study homological properties and different types of amenability of Lipschitz algebras and their second duals. Precisely, we first provide some basic properties of Lipschitz algebras, which are important for metric geometry to know how metric properties are reflected in simple properties of Lipschitz functions. Then we show that all of these properties are equivalent to either uniform discreteness or finiteness of . Finally, some results concerning the character...
We prove a conjecture of Yood regarding the nonexistence of submultiplicative norms on the algebra C(T) of all continuous functions on a topological space T which admits an unbounded continuous function. We also exhibit a quotient of C(T) which does not admit a nonzero positive linear functional. Finally, it is shown that the algebra L(X) of all linear operators on an infinite-dimensional vector space X admits no nonzero submultiplicative seminorm.
We study Banach algebras that are quotients of uniform algebras and we show in particular that the class is stable by interpolation. We also show that , are algebras and that is a -algebra if and only if .
We prove that certain maximal ideals in Beurling algebras on the unit disc have approximate identities, and show the existence of functions with certain properties in these maximal ideals. We then use these results to prove that if T is a bounded operator on a Banach space X satisfying as n → ∞ for some β ≥ 0, then diverges for every x ∈ X such that .