Essential self-adjointness of many particle Schrödinger hamiltonians with singular two-body potentials
For the Dirichlet Laplacian in the exterior of a strictly convex obstacle, we show that the number of scattering poles of modulus in a small angle near the real axis, can be estimated by Const for sufficiently large depending on . Here is the dimension.
It is proved that every operator from a weak*-closed subspace of into a space C(K) of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space K can be extended to an operator from to C(K).
A space of boundary values is constructed for the minimal symmetric operator generated by an infinite Jacobi matrix in the limit-circle case. A description of all maximal dissipative, accretive and selfadjoint extensions of such a symmetric operator is given in terms of boundary conditions at infinity. We construct a selfadjoint dilation of maximal dissipative operator and its incoming and outgoing spectral representations, which makes it possible to determine the scattering matrix of dilation....
Given a symmetric linear transformation on a Hilbert space, a natural problem to consider is the characterization of its set of symmetric extensions. This problem is equivalent to the study of the partial isometric extensions of a fixed partial isometry. We provide a new function theoretic characterization of the set of all self-adjoint extensions of any symmetric linear transformation B with finite equal indices and inner Livšic characteristic function θB by constructing a bijection between the...