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L -Khintchine-Bonami inequality in free probability

Artur Buchholz (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We prove the norm estimates for operator-valued functions on free groups supported on the words with fixed length ( f = | w | = l a w λ ( w ) ). Next, we replace the translations by the free generators with a free family of operators and prove inequalities of the same type.

Log-majorizations and norm inequalities for exponential operators

Fumio Hiai (1997)

Banach Center Publications

Concise but self-contained reviews are given on theories of majorization and symmetrically normed ideals, including the proofs of the Lidskii-Wielandt and the Gelfand-Naimark theorems. Based on these reviews, we discuss logarithmic majorizations and norm inequalities of Golden-Thompson type and its complementary type for exponential operators on a Hilbert space. Furthermore, we obtain norm convergences for the exponential product formula as well as for that involving operator means.

Lower bound and upper bound of operators on block weighted sequence spaces

Rahmatollah Lashkaripour, Gholomraza Talebi (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A = ( a n , k ) n , k 1 be a non-negative matrix. Denote by L v , p , q , F ( A ) the supremum of those L that satisfy the inequality A x v , q , F L x v , p , F , where x 0 and x l p ( v , F ) and also v = ( v n ) n = 1 is an increasing, non-negative sequence of real numbers. If p = q , we use L v , p , F ( A ) instead of L v , p , p , F ( A ) . In this paper we obtain a Hardy type formula for L v , p , q , F ( H μ ) , where H μ is a Hausdorff matrix and 0 < q p 1 . Another purpose of this paper is to establish a lower bound for A W N M v , p , F , where A W N M is the Nörlund matrix associated with the sequence W = { w n } n = 1 and 1 < p < . Our results generalize some works of Bennett, Jameson and present authors....

Multilinear commutators for fractional integrals in non-homogeneous spaces.

Guoen Hu, Yan Meng, Dachung Yang (2004)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Under the assumption that m is a non-doubling measure on Rd, the authors obtain the (Lp,Lq)-boundedness and the weak type endpoint estimate for the multilinear commutators generated by fractional integrals with RBMO (m) functions of Tolsa or with Osc exp Lr(m) functions for r greater than or equal to 1, where Osc exp Lr(m) is a space of Orlicz type satisfying that Osc exp Lr(m)=RBMO(m) if r=1 and Osc exp Lr(m) is a subset of RBMO(m) if r&gt;1.

Multiplicative maps that are close to an automorphism on algebras of linear transformations

L. W. Marcoux, H. Radjavi, A. R. Sourour (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Let be a complex, separable Hilbert space of finite or infinite dimension, and let ℬ() be the algebra of all bounded operators on . It is shown that if φ: ℬ() → ℬ() is a multiplicative map(not assumed linear) and if φ is sufficiently close to a linear automorphism of ℬ() in some uniform sense, then it is actually an automorphism; as such, there is an invertible operator S in ℬ() such that φ ( A ) = S - 1 A S for all A in ℬ(). When is finite-dimensional, similar results are obtained with the mere assumption that there...

Noncommutative fractional integrals

Narcisse Randrianantoanina, Lian Wu (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Let ℳ be a hyperfinite finite von Nemann algebra and ( k ) k 1 be an increasing filtration of finite-dimensional von Neumann subalgebras of ℳ. We investigate abstract fractional integrals associated to the filtration ( k ) k 1 . For a finite noncommutative martingale x = ( x k ) 1 k n L ( ) adapted to ( k ) k 1 and 0 < α < 1, the fractional integral of x of order α is defined by setting I α x = k = 1 n ζ k α d x k for an appropriate sequence ( ζ k ) k 1 of scalars. For the case of a noncommutative dyadic martingale in L₁() where is the type II₁ hyperfinite factor equipped...

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