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Stability of commuting maps and Lie maps

J. Alaminos, J. Extremera, Š. Špenko, A. R. Villena (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be an ultraprime Banach algebra. We prove that each approximately commuting continuous linear (or quadratic) map on A is near an actual commuting continuous linear (resp. quadratic) map on A. Furthermore, we use this analysis to study how close are approximate Lie isomorphisms and approximate Lie derivations to actual Lie isomorphisms and Lie derivations, respectively.

The continuity of Lie homomorphisms

Bernard Aupetit, Martin Mathieu (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that the separating space of a Lie homomorphism from a Banach algebra onto a Banach algebra is contained in the centre modulo the radical.

The Gleason-Kahane-Żelazko theorem and its generalizations

A. Sourour (1994)

Banach Center Publications

This expository article deals with results surrounding the following question: Which pairs of Banach algebras A and B have the property that every unital invertibility preserving linear map from A to B is a Jordan homomorphism?

The spectrally bounded linear maps on operator algebras

Jianlian Cui, Jinchuan Hou (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We show that every spectrally bounded linear map Φ from a Banach algebra onto a standard operator algebra acting on a complex Banach space is square-zero preserving. This result is used to show that if Φ₂ is spectrally bounded, then Φ is a homomorphism multiplied by a nonzero complex number. As another application to the Hilbert space case, a classification theorem is obtained which states that every spectrally bounded linear bijection Φ from ℬ(H) onto ℬ(K), where H and K are infinite-dimensional...

Unital strongly harmonic commutative Banach algebras

Janko Bračič (2002)

Studia Mathematica

A unital commutative Banach algebra is spectrally separable if for any two distinct non-zero multiplicative linear functionals φ and ψ on it there exist a and b in such that ab = 0 and φ(a)ψ(b) ≠ 0. Spectrally separable algebras are a special subclass of strongly harmonic algebras. We prove that a unital commutative Banach algebra is spectrally separable if there are enough elements in such that the corresponding multiplication operators on have the decomposition property (δ). On the other hand,...

Weak multiplicative operators on function algebras without units

Thomas Tonev (2010)

Banach Center Publications

For a function algebra A let ∂A be the Shilov boundary, δA the Choquet boundary, p(A) the set of p-points, and |A| = |f|: f ∈ A. Let X and Y be locally compact Hausdorff spaces and A ⊂ C(X) and B ⊂ C(Y) be dense subalgebras of function algebras without units, such that X = ∂A, Y = ∂B and p(A) = δA, p(B) = δB. We show that if Φ: |A| → |B| is an increasing bijection which is sup-norm-multiplicative, i.e. ||Φ(|f|)Φ(|g|)|| = ||fg||, f,g ∈ A, then there is a homeomorphism ψ: p(B) → p(A) with respect...

When is there a discontinuous homomorphism from L¹(G)?

Volker Runde (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be an A*-algebra with enveloping C*-algebra C*(A). We show that, under certain conditions, a homomorphism from C*(A) into a Banach algebra is continuous if and only if its restriction to A is continuous. We apply this result to the question in the title.

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