Spectrum of class operators.
We solve the Kato square root problem for bounded measurable perturbations of subelliptic operators on connected Lie groups. The subelliptic operators are divergence form operators with complex bounded coefficients, which may have lower order terms. In this general setting we deduce inhomogeneous estimates. In case the group is nilpotent and the subelliptic operator is pure second order, we prove stronger homogeneous estimates. Furthermore, we prove Lipschitz stability of the estimates under small...
A general scheme based on a commutation relation is proposed to give rise to a definition of generalized Toeplitz operators on a Banach space. Under suitable conditions the existence of a symbol is proved and its continuation to algebras generated by generalized Toeplitz operators is constructed. A stability theorem for the point spectrum of an operator from generalized Toeplitz algebras is established; as examples one considers the standard and operator valued Toeplitz operators on weighted Hardy...
Let A be an ultraprime Banach algebra. We prove that each approximately commuting continuous linear (or quadratic) map on A is near an actual commuting continuous linear (resp. quadratic) map on A. Furthermore, we use this analysis to study how close are approximate Lie isomorphisms and approximate Lie derivations to actual Lie isomorphisms and Lie derivations, respectively.
We study the bases and frames of reproducing kernels in the model subspaces of the Hardy class in the upper half-plane. The main problem under consideration is the stability of a basis of reproducing kernels under “small” perturbations of the points . We propose an approach to this problem based on the recently obtained estimates of derivatives in the spaces and produce estimates of admissible perturbations generalizing certain results of W.S. Cohn and E. Fricain.
If T is a bounded operator on a separable complex Hilbert space ℋ, an invariant subspace ℳ for T is stable provided that whenever is a sequence of operators such that , there is a sequence of subspaces , with in for all n, such that in the strong operator topology. If the projections converge in norm, ℳ is called a norm stable invariant subspace. This paper characterizes the stable invariant subspaces of the unilateral shift of finite multiplicity and normal operators. It also shows that...
Using A-statistical convergence, we prove a Korovkin type approximation theorem which concerns the problem of approximating a function f by means of a sequence Tₙ(f;x) of positive linear operators acting from a weighted space into a weighted space .
Let be an entire self-map of , be an entire function on and be a vector-valued entire function on . We extend the Stević-Sharma type operator to the classcial Fock spaces, by defining an operator as follows: We investigate the boundedness and compactness of on Fock spaces. The complex symmetry and self-adjointness of are also characterized.