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Support overlapping L 1 contractions and exact non-singular transformations

Michael Lin (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let T be a positive linear contraction of L 1 of a σ-finite measure space (X,Σ,μ) which overlaps supports. In general, T need not be completely mixing, but it is in the following cases: (i) T is the Frobenius-Perron operator of a non-singular transformation ϕ (in which case complete mixing is equivalent to exactness of ϕ). (ii) T is a Harris recurrent operator. (iii) T is a convolution operator on a compact group. (iv) T is a convolution operator on a LCA group.

Sur la conorme essentielle

Mostafa Mbekhta, Rodolphe Paul (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Pour un opérateur T borné sur un espace de Hilbert dans lui-même, nous montrons que γ ( π ( T ) ) = s u p γ ( T + K ) : K o p é r a t e u r c o m p a c t , où γ est la conorme (the reduced minimum modulus) et π(T) est la classe de T dans l’algèbre de Calkin. Nous montrons aussi que ce supremum est atteint. D’autre part, nous montrons que les opérateurs semi-Fredholm caractérisent les points de continuité de l’application T → γ (π(T)).

Sur quelques extensions au cadre banachique de la notion d'opérateur de Hilbert-Schmidt

Said Amana Abdillah, Jean Esterle, Bernhard H. Haak (2015)

Studia Mathematica

In this work we discuss several ways to extend to the context of Banach spaces the notion of Hilbert-Schmidt operator: p-summing operators, γ-summing or γ-radonifying operators, weakly* 1-nuclear operators and classes of operators defined via factorization properties. We introduce the class PS₂(E;F) of pre-Hilbert-Schmidt operators as the class of all operators u: E → F such that w ∘ u ∘ v is Hilbert-Schmidt for every bounded operator v: H₁ → E and every bounded operator w: F → H₂, where H₁ and...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 308