Superstability for generalized module left derivations and generalized module derivations on a Banach module. I.
Let T be a positive linear contraction of of a σ-finite measure space (X,Σ,μ) which overlaps supports. In general, T need not be completely mixing, but it is in the following cases: (i) T is the Frobenius-Perron operator of a non-singular transformation ϕ (in which case complete mixing is equivalent to exactness of ϕ). (ii) T is a Harris recurrent operator. (iii) T is a convolution operator on a compact group. (iv) T is a convolution operator on a LCA group.
Pour un opérateur T borné sur un espace de Hilbert dans lui-même, nous montrons que , où γ est la conorme (the reduced minimum modulus) et π(T) est la classe de T dans l’algèbre de Calkin. Nous montrons aussi que ce supremum est atteint. D’autre part, nous montrons que les opérateurs semi-Fredholm caractérisent les points de continuité de l’application T → γ (π(T)).
Soit un opérateur compact dans une algèbre de Von Neumann. On montre que le sous-espace sup ker est relativement fini.
In this work we discuss several ways to extend to the context of Banach spaces the notion of Hilbert-Schmidt operator: p-summing operators, γ-summing or γ-radonifying operators, weakly* 1-nuclear operators and classes of operators defined via factorization properties. We introduce the class PS₂(E;F) of pre-Hilbert-Schmidt operators as the class of all operators u: E → F such that w ∘ u ∘ v is Hilbert-Schmidt for every bounded operator v: H₁ → E and every bounded operator w: F → H₂, where H₁ and...