Displaying 61 – 80 of 89

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Multidimensional weak resolvents and spatial equivalence of normal operators

Michał Jasiczak (2006)

Studia Mathematica

The aim of this paper is to answer some questions concerning weak resolvents. Firstly, we investigate the domain of extension of weak resolvents Ω and find a formula linking Ω with the Taylor spectrum. We also show that equality of weak resolvents of operator tuples A and B results in isomorphism of the algebras generated by these operators. Although this isomorphism need not be of the form (1) X ↦ U*XU, where U is an isometry, for normal operators it is always possible...

Multilinear commutators for fractional integrals in non-homogeneous spaces.

Guoen Hu, Yan Meng, Dachung Yang (2004)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Under the assumption that m is a non-doubling measure on Rd, the authors obtain the (Lp,Lq)-boundedness and the weak type endpoint estimate for the multilinear commutators generated by fractional integrals with RBMO (m) functions of Tolsa or with Osc exp Lr(m) functions for r greater than or equal to 1, where Osc exp Lr(m) is a space of Orlicz type satisfying that Osc exp Lr(m)=RBMO(m) if r=1 and Osc exp Lr(m) is a subset of RBMO(m) if r>1.

Multilinear operators on C ( K , X ) spaces

Ignacio Villanueva (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Given Banach spaces  X , Y and a compact Hausdorff space  K , we use polymeasures to give necessary conditions for a multilinear operator from C ( K , X ) into  Y to be completely continuous (resp.  unconditionally converging). We deduce necessary and sufficient conditions for  X to have the Schur property (resp.  to contain no copy of  c 0 ), and for  K to be scattered. This extends results concerning linear operators.

Multiplication operators on L ( L p ) and p -strictly singular operators

William Johnson, Gideon Schechtman (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

A classification of weakly compact multiplication operators on L ( L p ) , 1<p< , i s g i v e n . T h i s a n s w e r s a q u e s t i o n r a i s e d b y S a k s m a n a n d T y l l i i n 1992 . T h e c l a s s i f i c a t i o n i n v o l v e s t h e c o n c e p t o f p - s t r i c t l y s i n g u l a r o p e r a t o r s , a n d w e a l s o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e s t r u c t u r e o f g e n e r a l p - s t r i c t l y s i n g u l a r o p e r a t o r s o n Lp . T h e m a i n r e s u l t i s t h a t i f a n o p e r a t o r T o n Lp , 1<p<2 , i s p - s t r i c t l y s i n g u l a r a n d T|X i s a n i s o m o r p h i s m f o r s o m e s u b s p a c e X o f Lp , t h e n X e m b e d s i n t o Lr f o r a l l r<2 , b u t X n e e d n o t b e i s o m o r p h i c t o a H i l b e r t s p a c e . It is also shown that if T is convolution by a biased coin on L p of the Cantor group, 1 p < 2 , and T | X is an isomorphism for some reflexive subspace X of L p , then X is isomorphic to a Hilbert space. The case p = 1 answers a question asked by Rosenthal in 1976.

Multiplicative Lie triple derivations on standard operator algebras

Bilal Ahmad Wani (2021)

Communications in Mathematics

Let 𝒳 be a Banach space of dimension n > 1 and 𝔄 ( 𝒳 ) be a standard operator algebra. In the present paper it is shown that if a mapping d : 𝔄 𝔄 (not necessarily linear) satisfies d ( [ [ U , V ] , W ] ) = [ [ d ( U ) , V ] , W ] + [ [ U , d ( V ) ] , W ] + [ [ U , V ] , d ( W ) ] for all U , V , W 𝔄 , then d = ψ + τ , where ψ is an additive derivation of 𝔄 and τ : 𝔄 𝔽 I vanishes at second commutator [ [ U , V ] , W ] for all U , V , W 𝔄 . Moreover, if d is linear and satisfies the above relation, then there exists an operator S 𝔄 and a linear mapping τ from 𝔄 into 𝔽 I satisfying τ ( [ [ U , V ] , W ] ) = 0 for all U , V , W 𝔄 , such that d ( U ) = S U - U S + τ ( U ) for all U 𝔄 .

Multiplicative maps that are close to an automorphism on algebras of linear transformations

L. W. Marcoux, H. Radjavi, A. R. Sourour (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Let be a complex, separable Hilbert space of finite or infinite dimension, and let ℬ() be the algebra of all bounded operators on . It is shown that if φ: ℬ() → ℬ() is a multiplicative map(not assumed linear) and if φ is sufficiently close to a linear automorphism of ℬ() in some uniform sense, then it is actually an automorphism; as such, there is an invertible operator S in ℬ() such that φ ( A ) = S - 1 A S for all A in ℬ(). When is finite-dimensional, similar results are obtained with the mere assumption that there...

Multiplicative structure of de Branges's spaces.

Benjamin A. Lotto, Donald Sarason (1991)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

L. de Branges has originated a viewpoint one of whose repercussions has been the detailed analysis of certain Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions contained within the Hardy space H2 of the unit disk (...).

Multiplicatively and non-symmetric multiplicatively norm-preserving maps

Maliheh Hosseini, Fereshteh Sady (2010)

Open Mathematics

Let A and B be Banach function algebras on compact Hausdorff spaces X and Y and let ‖.‖X and ‖.‖Y denote the supremum norms on X and Y, respectively. We first establish a result concerning a surjective map T between particular subsets of the uniform closures of A and B, preserving multiplicatively the norm, i.e. ‖Tf Tg‖Y = ‖fg‖X, for certain elements f and g in the domain. Then we show that if α ∈ ℂ 0 and T: A → B is a surjective, not necessarily linear, map satisfying ‖fg + α‖X = ‖Tf Tg + α‖Y,...

Multiplier transformations on H p spaces

Daning Chen, Dashan Fan (1998)

Studia Mathematica

The authors obtain some multiplier theorems on H p spaces analogous to the classical L p multiplier theorems of de Leeuw. The main result is that a multiplier operator ( T f ) ( x ) = λ ( x ) f ̂ ( x ) ( λ C ( ...

Multipliers and Wiener-Hopf operators on weighted L p spaces

Violeta Petkova (2013)

Open Mathematics

We study multipliers M (bounded operators commuting with translations) on weighted spaces L ω p (ℝ), and establish the existence of a symbol µM for M, and some spectral results for translations S t and multipliers. We also study operators T on the weighted space L ω p (ℝ+) commuting either with the right translations S t , t ∈ ℝ+, or left translations P +S −t , t ∈ ℝ+, and establish the existence of a symbol µ of T. We characterize completely the spectrum σ(S t ) of the operator S t proving that...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 89