Displaying 341 – 360 of 669

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Limits of minimum problems for general integral functionals with unilateral obstacles

Gianni Dal Maso (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Se il problema di minimo ( 𝒫 ) è il limite, in senso variazionale, di una successione di problemi di minimo con ostacoli del tipo min u ψ h A [ f h ( x , u , D u ) + b ( x , u ) ] d x , allora ( 𝒫 ) può essere scritto nella forma min u { A [ f ( x , u , D u ) + b ( x , u ) ] d x + A g ( x , u ~ ( x ) ) d λ ( x ) } dove u ~ è un conveniente rappresentante di u e λ è una misura non negativa.

Local Lipschitz continuity of the stop operator

Wolfgang Desch (1998)

Applications of Mathematics

On a closed convex set Z in N with sufficiently smooth ( 𝒲 2 , ) boundary, the stop operator is locally Lipschitz continuous from 𝐖 1 , 1 ( [ 0 , T ] , N ) × Z into 𝐖 1 , 1 ( [ 0 , T ] , N ) . The smoothness of the boundary is essential: A counterexample shows that 𝒞 1 -smoothness is not sufficient.

Mathematical modeling of delamination and nonmonotone friction problems by hemivariational inequalities

Charalambos C. Baniotopoulos, Jaroslav Haslinger, Zuzana Morávková (2005)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with approximations and the numerical realization of a class of hemivariational inequalities used for modeling of delamination and nonmonotone friction problems. Assumptions guaranteeing convergence of discrete models are verified and numerical results of several model examples computed by a nonsmooth variant of Newton method are presented.

Metric subregularity of order q and the solving of inclusions

Michaël Gaydu, Michel Geoffroy, Célia Jean-Alexis (2011)

Open Mathematics

We consider some metric regularity properties of order q for set-valued mappings and we establish several characterizations of these concepts in terms of Hölder-like properties of the inverses of the mappings considered. In addition, we show that even if these properties are weaker than the classical notions of regularity for set-valued maps, they allow us to solve variational inclusions under mild assumptions.

Minimax theorems without changeless proportion

Liang-Ju Chu, Chi-Nan Tsai (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

The so-called minimax theorem means that if X and Y are two sets, and f and g are two real-valued functions defined on X×Y, then under some conditions the following inequality holds: i n f y Y s u p x X f ( x , y ) s u p x X i n f y Y g ( x , y ) . We will extend the two functions version of minimax theorems without the usual condition: f ≤ g. We replace it by a milder condition: s u p x X f ( x , y ) s u p x X g ( x , y ) , ∀y ∈ Y. However, we require some restrictions; such as, the functions f and g are jointly upward, and their upper sets are connected. On the other hand, by using some properties...

Minimizing p -harmonic maps at a free boundary

Frank Duzaar, Andreas Gastel (1998)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Studiamo le proprietà di regolarità delle mappe fra varietà di Riemann che minimizzano la p -energia fra quelle che soddisfano una condizione di frontiera pazialmente libera. Proviamo che tali mappe sono Hölder continue vicino alla frontiera libera fuori di un insieme singolare, e otteniamo stime ottimali per la dimensione di Hausdorff di questo insieme singolare.

Mixed finite element analysis of semi-coercive unilateral contact problems with given friction

Ivan Hlaváček (2007)

Applications of Mathematics

A unilateral contact 2D-problem is considered provided one of two elastic bodies can shift in a given direction as a rigid body. Using Lagrange multipliers for both normal and tangential constraints on the contact interface, we introduce a saddle point problem and prove its unique solvability. We discretize the problem by a standard finite element method and prove a convergence of approximations. We propose a numerical realization on the basis of an auxiliary “bolted” problem and the algorithm of...

Mixed formulation of elliptic variational inequalities and its approximation

Jaroslav Haslinger (1981)

Aplikace matematiky

The approximation of a mixed formulation of elliptic variational inequalities is studied. Mixed formulation is defined as the problem of finding a saddle-point of a properly chosen Lagrangian 2 on a certain convex set K x Λ . Sufficient conditions, guaranteeing the convergence of approximate solutions are studied. Abstract results are applied to concrete examples.

Mixed formulations for a class of variational inequalities

Leila Slimane, Abderrahmane Bendali, Patrick Laborde (2004)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A general setting is proposed for the mixed finite element approximations of elliptic differential problems involving a unilateral boundary condition. The treatment covers the Signorini problem as well as the unilateral contact problem with or without friction. Existence, uniqueness for both the continuous and the discrete problem as well as error estimates are established in a general framework. As an application, the approximation of the Signorini problem by the lowest order mixed finite element...

Mixed formulations for a class of variational inequalities

Leila Slimane, Abderrahmane Bendali, Patrick Laborde (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A general setting is proposed for the mixed finite element approximations of elliptic differential problems involving a unilateral boundary condition. The treatment covers the Signorini problem as well as the unilateral contact problem with or without friction. Existence, uniqueness for both the continuous and the discrete problem as well as error estimates are established in a general framework. As an application, the approximation of the Signorini problem by the lowest order mixed finite element...

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 669