Isoperimetric Inequalities and the Problem of Plateau.
Si studia il comportamento limite di successioni di problemi variazionali nonlineari con condizioni al contorno di Dirichlet su aperti variabili. I principali strumenti usati in questa ricerca sono le nozioni di -convergenza e di -capacità nonlineare.
We give a sufficient condition for a curve to ensure that the -dimensional Hausdorff measure restricted to is locally monotone.
We prove that the 1-dimensional Hausdorff measure restricted to a simple real analytic curve , , is locally 1-monotone.
We prove existence of minimizing movements for the dislocation dynamics evolution law of a propagating front, in which the normal velocity of the front is the sum of a non-local term and a mean curvature term. We prove that any such minimizing movement is a weak solution of this evolution law, in a sense related to viscosity solutions of the corresponding level-set equation. We also prove the consistency of this approach, by showing that any minimizing movement coincides with the smooth evolution...
We show a first nontrivial example of coarea formula for vector-valued Lipschitz maps defined on the three dimensional Heisenberg group. In this coarea formula, integration on level sets is performed with respect to the 2-dimensional spherical Hausdorff measure, built by the Carnot-Carathéodory distance. The standard jacobian is replaced by the so called horizontal jacobian, corresponding to the jacobian of the Pansu differential of the Lipschitz map. Joining previous results, we achieve all possible...
The aim of this paper is to give the proofs of those results that in [4] were only announced, and, at the same time, to propose some possible developments, indicating some of the most significant open problems.
We find necessary and sufficient conditions for a Lipschitz map f : E ⊂ ℝk → X into a metric space to satisfy ℋk(f(E)) = 0. An interesting feature of our approach is that despite the fact that we are dealing with arbitrary metric spaces, we employ a variant of the classical implicit function theorem. Applications include pure unrectifiability of the Heisenberg groups.