Über die endliche Lösbarkeit des Plateau-Problems in Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten.
This work deals with a non linear inverse problem of reconstructing an unknown boundary γ, the boundary conditions prescribed on γ being of Signorini type, by using boundary measurements. The problem is turned into an optimal shape design one, by constructing a Kohn & Vogelius-like cost function, the only minimum of which is proved to be the unknown boundary. Furthermore, we prove that the derivative of this cost function with respect to a direction θ depends only on the state u0, and not...
Dans cet article nous prouvons un nouveau résultat d'existence pour une classe de problèmes d'optimisation de forme assez générale. Les ouverts que nous considérons possèdent une contrainte de nature géométrique sur la normale intérieure. Ce travail est motivé par la formulation variationnelle d'un problème à frontière libre dont la solution possède cette propriété géométrique.
In this paper we consider non-compact cylinder-like surfaces called unduloids and study some aspects of their geometry. In particular, making use of a Kenmotsu-type representation of these surfaces, we derive explicit formulas for the lengths and areas of arbitrary segments, along with a formula for the volumes enclosed by them.
For α∈(0, 1) an α-trimming, P∗, of a probability P is a new probability obtained by re-weighting the probability of any Borel set, B, according to a positive weight function, f≤1/(1−α), in the way P∗(B)=∫Bf(x)P(dx). If P, Q are probability measures on euclidean space, we consider the problem of obtaining the best L2-Wasserstein approximation between: (a) a fixed probability and trimmed versions of the other; (b) trimmed versions of both probabilities. These best trimmed approximations naturally...
We prove that the most interesting operators in the Euler-Lagrange complex from the variational bicomplex in infinite order jet spaces are determined up to multiplicative constant by the naturality requirement, provided the fibres of fibred manifolds have sufficiently large dimension. This result clarifies several important phenomena of the variational calculus on fibred manifolds.