Radial basis function level set method for structural optimization
We study finite perimeter sets in step 2 Carnot groups. In this way we extend the classical De Giorgi’s theory, developed in Euclidean spaces by De Giorgi, as well as its generalization, considered by the authors, in Heisenberg groups. A structure theorem for sets of finite perimeter and consequently a divergence theorem are obtained. Full proofs of these results, comments and an exhaustive bibliography can be found in our preprint (2001).
The notions of Lipschitz and bilipschitz mappings provide classes of mappings connected to the geometry of metric spaces in certain ways. A notion between these two is given by regular mappings (reviewed in Section 1), in which some non-bilipschitz behavior is allowed, but with limitations on this, and in a quantitative way. In this paper we look at a class of mappings called (s, t)-regular mappings. These mappings are the same as ordinary regular mappings when s = t, but otherwise they behave somewhat...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 49J15, 49J30, 53B50.In the context of sub-Riemannian geometry and the Lipschitzian regularity of minimizers in control theory, we investigate some properties of minimizing geodesics for certain affine distributions. In particular, we consider the case of a generalized H2-strong affine distribution and the case of an affine Plaff system of maximal class.
In this paper, we prove some regularity results for the boundary of an open subset of which minimizes the Dirichlet’s energy among all open subsets with prescribed volume. In particular we show that, when the volume constraint is “saturated”, the reduced boundary of the optimal shape (and even the whole boundary in dimension 2) is regular if the state function is nonnegative.
In this paper, we prove some regularity results for the boundary of an open subset of which minimizes the Dirichlet's energy among all open subsets with prescribed volume. In particular we show that, when the volume constraint is “saturated”, the reduced boundary of the optimal shape (and even the whole boundary in dimension 2) is regular if the state function is nonnegative.
This article addresses regularity of optimal transport maps for cost=“squared distance” on Riemannian manifolds that are products of arbitrarily many round spheres with arbitrary sizes and dimensions. Such manifolds are known to be non-negatively cross-curved. Under boundedness and non-vanishing assumptions on the transfered source and target densities we show that optimal maps stay away from the cut-locus (where the cost exhibits singularity), and obtain injectivity and continuity of optimal maps....
In this Note, we define a class of stratified Lie groups of arbitrary step (that are called “groups of type ” throughout the paper), and we prove that, in these groups, sets with constant intrinsic normal are vertical halfspaces. As a consequence, the reduced boundary of a set of finite intrinsic perimeter in a group of type is rectifiable in the intrinsic sense (De Giorgi’s rectifiability theorem). This result extends the previous one proved by Franchi, Serapioni & Serra Cassano in step...