Planar graphs as minimal resolutions of trivariate monomial ideals.
We discuss a method for obtaining Poincaré-type inequalities on arbitrary convex bodies in . Our technique involves a dual version of Bochner’s formula and a certain moment map, and it also applies to some non-convex sets. In particular, we generalize the central limit theorem for convex bodies to a class of non-convex domains, including the unit balls of -spaces in for .
Clarke’s generalized derivative is studied as a function on the Banach algebra Lip(X,d) of bounded Lipschitz functions f defined on an open subset X of a normed vector space E. For fixed and fixed the function is continuous and sublinear in . It is shown that all linear functionals in the support set of this continuous sublinear function satisfy Leibniz’s product rule and are thus point derivations. A characterization of the support set in terms of point derivations is given.
The aim of this survey article is to show certain questions concerning nuclear spaces and linear operators in normed spaces lead to questions from geometry of numbers.