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On cyclic α(·)-monotone multifunctions

S. Rolewicz (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let (X,d) be a metric space. Let Φ be a linear family of real-valued functions defined on X. Let Γ : X 2 Φ be a maximal cyclic α(·)-monotone multifunction with non-empty values. We give a sufficient condition on α(·) and Φ for the following generalization of the Rockafellar theorem to hold. There is a function f on X, weakly Φ-convex with modulus α(·), such that Γ is the weak Φ-subdifferential of f with modulus α(·), Γ ( x ) = Φ - α f | x .

On deformations of spherical isometric foldings

Ana M. Breda, Altino F. Santos (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The behavior of special classes of isometric foldings of the Riemannian sphere S 2 under the action of angular conformal deformations is considered. It is shown that within these classes any isometric folding is continuously deformable into the standard spherical isometric folding f s defined by f s ( x , y , z ) = ( x , y , | z | ) .

On exposed points and extremal points of convex sets in ℝⁿ and Hilbert space

Stoyu Barov, Jan J. Dijkstra (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let be a Euclidean space or the Hilbert space ℓ², let k ∈ ℕ with k < dim , and let B be convex and closed in . Let be a collection of linear k-subspaces of . A set C ⊂ is called a -imitation of B if B and C have identical orthogonal projections along every P ∈ . An extremal point of B with respect to the projections under is a point that all closed subsets of B that are -imitations of B have in common. A point x of B is called exposed by if there is a P ∈ such that (x+P) ∩ B = x. In the present...

On gaps in Rényi β -expansions of unity for β &gt; 1 an algebraic number

Jean-Louis Verger-Gaugry (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let β &gt; 1 be an algebraic number. We study the strings of zeros (“gaps”) in the Rényi β -expansion   d β ( 1 ) of unity which controls the set β of β -integers. Using a version of Liouville’s inequality which extends Mahler’s and Güting’s approximation theorems, the strings of zeros in d β ( 1 ) are shown to exhibit a “gappiness” asymptotically bounded above by   log ( M ( β ) ) / log ( β ) , where   M ( β )   is the Mahler measure of   β . The proof of this result provides in a natural way a new classification of algebraic numbers &gt; 1 with classes called Q...

On Gaussian Brunn-Minkowski inequalities

Franck Barthe, Nolwen Huet (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We are interested in Gaussian versions of the classical Brunn-Minkowski inequality. We prove in a streamlined way a semigroup version of the Ehrhard inequality for m Borel or convex sets based on a previous work by Borell. Our method also yields semigroup proofs of the geometric Brascamp-Lieb inequality and of its reverse form, which follow exactly the same lines.

On generalizations of fuzzy metric spaces

Yi Shi, Wei Yao (2023)


The aim of the paper is to present three-variable generalizations of fuzzy metric spaces in sense of George and Veeramani from functional and topological points of view, respectively. From the viewpoint of functional generalization, we introduce a notion of generalized fuzzy 2-metric spaces, study their topological properties, and point out that it is also a common generalization of both tripled fuzzy metric spaces proposed by Tian et al. and -fuzzy metric spaces proposed by Sedghi and Shobe. Since...

On geodesics of phyllotaxis

Roland Bacher (2014)

Confluentes Mathematici

Seeds of sunflowers are often modelled by n ϕ θ ( n ) = n e 2 i π n θ leading to a roughly uniform repartition with seeds indexed by consecutive integers at angular distance 2 π θ for θ the golden ratio. We associate to such a map ϕ θ a geodesic path γ θ : &gt; 0 PSL 2 ( ) of the modular curve and use it for local descriptions of the image ϕ θ ( ) of the phyllotactic map ϕ θ .

On Gnomons

Jan M. Aarts, Robbert. J. Fokkink (2003)

Matematički Vesnik

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 329