Closed Curves and Geodesics with Two Self-Intersections on the Punctured Torus.
On étudie la complétude géodésique des flots nul-prégéodésiques sur les variétés lorentziennes compactes, ce qui donne une obstruction à être nul-géodésique. On montre que lorsque l’orthogonal du champ de vecteurs engendrant le flot considéré s’intègre en un feuilletage , la complétude du flot se lit sur l’holonomie de . On montre ainsi qu’il n’existe pas de flots nul-géodésiques lisses sur . On montre aussi qu’un -tore lorentzien est nul-complet si et seulement si ses feuilletages de type lumière...
In a recent article [B. Bonnard, J.-B. Caillau, R. Sinclair and M. Tanaka, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Anal. Non Linéaire 26 (2009) 1081–1098], we relate the computation of the conjugate and cut loci of a family of metrics on two-spheres of revolution whose polar form is g = dϕ2 + m(ϕ)dθ2 to the period mapping of the ϕ-variable. One purpose of this article is to use this relation to evaluate the cut and conjugate loci for a family of metrics arising as a deformation of the round sphere and to determine...
The space of Kähler metrics in a fixed Kähler class on a projective Kähler manifold is an infinite dimensional symmetric space whose geodesics are solutions of a homogeneous complex Monge-Ampère equation in , where is an annulus. Phong-Sturm have proven that the Monge-Ampère geodesic of Kähler potentials of may be approximated in a weak sense by geodesics of the finite dimensional symmetric space of Bergman metrics of height . In this article we prove that in in the case of...
A. J. Montesinos has shown that a geodesic correspondence between two complete Riemannian manifolds with transitive topological geodesic flow is a homothety. In this paper we prove a similar result for a conformal geodesic correspondence between two singular flat surfaces with conical singularities and negative concentrated curvature.