Integral Inequalities for Maximal Space-like Submanifolds in the Indefinite Space Form
Motivated by the well-posedness of birth-and-growth processes, a stochastic geometric differential equation and, hence, a stochastic geometric dynamical system are proposed. In fact, a birth-and-growth process can be rigorously modeled as a suitable combination, involving the Minkowski sum and the Aumann integral, of two very general set-valued processes representing nucleation and growth dynamics, respectively. The simplicity of the proposed geometric approach allows to avoid problems of boundary...
Motivated by the well-posedness of birth-and-growth processes, a stochastic geometric differential equation and, hence, a stochastic geometric dynamical system are proposed. In fact, a birth-and-growth process can be rigorously modeled as a suitable combination, involving the Minkowski sum and the Aumann integral, of two very general set-valued processes representing nucleation and growth dynamics, respectively. The simplicity of the proposed geometric approach allows to avoid problems of boundary...
This paper develops various estimates for solutions of a nonlinear, fouth order PDE which corresponds to prescribing the scalar curvature of a toric Kähler metric. The results combine techniques from Riemannian geometry and from the theory of Monge-Ampère equations.
In recent years the study of interpolation of Banach spaces has seen some unexpected interactions with other fields. (...) In this paper I shall discuss some more interactions of interpolation theory with the rest of mathematics, beginning with some joint work with Coifman [CS]. Our basic idea was to look for the methods of interpolation that had interesting PDE's arising as examples.
We present a way of thinking of exponential farnilies as geodesic surfaces in the class of positive functions considered as a (multiplicative) sub-group G+ of the group G of all invertible elements in the algebra A of all complex bounded functions defined on a measurable space. For that we have to study a natural geometry on that algebra. The class D of densities with respect to a given rneasure will happen to be representatives of equivalence classes defining a projective space in A. The natural...