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A reverse viewpoint on the upper semicontinuity of multivalued maps

Marcio Colombo Fenille (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

For a multivalued map ϕ : Y ( X , τ ) between topological spaces, the upper semifinite topology 𝒜 ( τ ) on the power set 𝒜 ( X ) = { A X : A } is such that ϕ is upper semicontinuous if and only if it is continuous when viewed as a singlevalued map ϕ : Y ( 𝒜 ( X ) , 𝒜 ( τ ) ) . In this paper, we seek a result like this from a reverse viewpoint, namely, given a set X and a topology Γ on 𝒜 ( X ) , we consider a natural topology ( Γ ) on X , constructed from Γ satisfying ( Γ ) = τ if Γ = 𝒜 ( τ ) , and we give necessary and sufficient conditions to the upper semicontinuity of a multivalued map ϕ : Y ( X , ( Γ ) ) ...

A revised closed graph theorem for quasi-Suslin spaces

Juan Carlos Ferrando, J. Kąkol, M. Lopez Pellicer (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Some results about the continuity of special linear maps between F -spaces recently obtained by Drewnowski have motivated us to revise a closed graph theorem for quasi-Suslin spaces due to Valdivia. We extend Valdivia’s theorem by showing that a linear map with closed graph from a Baire tvs into a tvs admitting a relatively countably compact resolution is continuous. This also applies to extend a result of De Wilde and Sunyach. A topological space X is said to have a (relatively countably) compact...

A rigid space admitting compact operators

Paul Sisson (1995)

Studia Mathematica

A rigid space is a topological vector space whose endomorphisms are all simply scalar multiples of the identity map. The first complete rigid space was published in 1981 in [2]. Clearly a rigid space is a trivial-dual space, and admits no compact endomorphisms. In this paper a modification of the original construction results in a rigid space which is, however, the domain space of a compact operator, answering a question that was first raised soon after the existence of complete rigid spaces was...

A selection theorem

Arrigo Cellina (1976)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

A semifilter approach to selection principles

Lubomyr Zdomsky (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we develop the semifilter approach to the classical Menger and Hurewicz properties and show that the small cardinal 𝔤 is a lower bound of the additivity number of the σ -ideal generated by Menger subspaces of the Baire space, and under 𝔲 < 𝔤 every subset X of the real line with the property Split ( Λ , Λ ) is Hurewicz, and thus it is consistent with ZFC that the property Split ( Λ , Λ ) is preserved by unions of less than 𝔟 subsets of the real line.

A semifilter approach to selection principles II: τ * -covers

Lubomyr Zdomsky (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Developing the idea of assigning to a large cover of a topological space a corresponding semifilter, we show that every Menger topological space has the property fin ( 𝒪 , T * ) provided ( 𝔲 < 𝔤 ) , and every space with the property fin ( 𝒪 , T * ) is Hurewicz provided ( Depth + ( [ ω ] 0 ) 𝔟 ) . Combining this with the results proven in cited literature, we settle all questions whether (it is consistent that) the properties P and Q [do not] coincide, where P and Q run over fin ( 𝒪 , Γ ) , fin ( 𝒪 , T ) , fin ( 𝒪 , T * ) , fin ( 𝒪 , Ω ) , and fin ( 𝒪 , 𝒪 ) .

Currently displaying 661 – 680 of 8494