Cartesian-closed coreflective subcategories of uniform spaces
The main goal of the present paper is to unify two commonly used models of directed spaces: d-spaces and streams. To achieve this, we provide certain "goodness" conditions for d-spaces and streams. Then we prove that the categories of good d-spaces and good streams are isomorphic. Next, we prove that the category of good d-spaces is complete, cocomplete, and cartesian closed (assuming we restrict to compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaces). The category of good d-spaces is large enough to contain...
The purpose of this paper is to give a necessary and sufficient condition to define a category measure on a Baire topological space. In the last section we give some examples of spaces in these conditions.
The ℑ-density topology on ℝ is a refinement of the natural topology. It is a category analogue of the density topology [9, 10]. This paper is concerned with ℑ-density continuous functions, i.e., the real functions that are continuous when the ℑ-densitytopology is used on the domain and the range. It is shown that the family of ordinary continuous functions f: [0,1]→ℝ which have at least one point of ℑ-density continuity is a first category subset of C([0,1])= f: [0,1]→ℝ: f is continuous equipped...