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Size levels for arcs

Sam Nadler, T. West (1992)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We determine the size levels for any function on the hyperspace of an arc as follows. Assume Z is a continuum and consider the following three conditions: 1) Z is a planar AR; 2) cut points of Z have component number two; 3) any true cyclic element of Z contains at most two cut points of Z. Then any size level for an arc satisfies 1)-3) and conversely, if Z satisfies 1)-3), then Z is a diameter level for some arc.

Some examples of true F σ δ sets

Marek Balcerzak, Udayan Darji (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let K(X) be the hyperspace of a compact metric space endowed with the Hausdorff metric. We give a general theorem showing that certain subsets of K(X) are true F σ δ sets.

Spaces of ω-limit sets of graph maps

Jie-Hua Mai, Song Shao (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let (X,f) be a dynamical system. In general the set of all ω-limit sets of f is not closed in the hyperspace of closed subsets of X. In this paper we study the case when X is a graph, and show that the family of ω-limit sets of a graph map is closed with respect to the Hausdorff metric.

Striped structures of stable and unstable sets of expansive homeomorphisms and a theorem of K. Kuratowski on independent sets

Hisao Kato (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate striped structures of stable and unstable sets of expansive homeomorphisms and continuum-wise expansive homeomorphisms. The following theorem is proved: if f : X → X is an expansive homeomorphism of a compact metric space X with dim X > 0, then the decompositions W S ( x ) | x X and W ( u ) ( x ) | x X of X into stable and unstable sets of f respectively are uncountable, and moreover there is σ (= s or u) and ϱ > 0 such that there is a Cantor set C in X with the property that for each x ∈ C, W σ ( x ) contains a nondegenerate...

Symmetric products of the Euclidean spaces and the spheres

Naotsugu Chinen (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

By F n ( X ) , n 1 , we denote the n -th symmetric product of a metric space ( X , d ) as the space of the non-empty finite subsets of X with at most n elements endowed with the Hausdorff metric d H . In this paper we shall describe that every isometry from the n -th symmetric product F n ( X ) into itself is induced by some isometry from X into itself, where X is either the Euclidean space or the sphere with the usual metrics. Moreover, we study the n -th symmetric product of the Euclidean space up to bi-Lipschitz equivalence and...

The algebraic dimension of linear metric spaces and Baire properties of their hyperspaces.

Taras Banakh, Anatolij Plichko (2006)


Answering a question of Halbeisen we prove (by two different methods) that the algebraic dimension of each infinite-dimensional complete linear metric space X equals the size of X. A topological method gives a bit more: the algebraic dimension of a linear metric space X equals |X| provided the hyperspace K(X) of compact subsets of X is a Baire space. Studying the interplay between Baire properties of a linear metric space X and its hyperspace, we construct a hereditarily Baire linear metric space...

The AR-Property of the spaces of closed convex sets

Katsuro Sakai, Masato Yaguchi (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let C o n v H ( X ) , C o n v A W ( X ) and C o n v W ( X ) be the spaces of all non-empty closed convex sets in a normed linear space X admitting the Hausdorff metric topology, the Attouch-Wets topology and the Wijsman topology, respectively. We show that every component of C o n v H ( X ) and the space C o n v A W ( X ) are AR. In case X is separable, C o n v W ( X ) is locally path-connected.

The dimension of hyperspaces of non-metrizable continua

Wojciech Stadnicki (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that, for any Hausdorff continuum X, if dim X ≥ 2 then the hyperspace C(X) of subcontinua of X is not a C-space; if dim X = 1 and X is hereditarily indecomposable then either dim C(X) = 2 or C(X) is not a C-space. This generalizes some results known for metric continua.

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