Minimal Coverings of Manifolds with Balls.
We discuss polynomial representations for 2-bridge knots and determine the minimal degree sequence for all such knots. We apply the connection between rational tangles and 2-bridge knots.
Let be an -algebraic semisimple group, an algebraic -subgroup, and a lattice in . Partially answering a question posed by Hillel Furstenberg in 1972, we prove that if the action of on is minimal, then it is uniquely ergodic. Our proof uses in an essential way Marina Ratner’s classification of probability measures on invariant under unipotent elements, and the study of “tubes” in .
We prove that the complement of a toric arrangement has the homotopy type of a minimal CW-complex. As a corollary we deduce that the integer cohomology of these spaces is torsionfree. We apply discrete Morse theory to the toric Salvetti complex, providing a sequence of cellular collapses that leads to a minimal complex.
Soit une variété hyperbolique compacte de dimension 3, de diamètre et de volume . Si on note la -ième valeur propre du laplacien de Hodge-de Rham agissant sur les 1-formes coexactes de , on montre que et , où est une constante ne dépendant que de , et est le nombre de composantes connexes de la partie mince de . En outre, on montre que pour toute 3-variété hyperbolique de volume fini avec cusps, il existe une suite de remplissages compacts de , de diamètre telle que et .