Des groupes magiques ou quand des sous-groupes libres affines opèrent proprement discontinûment sur
Let be a surface, let be a subsurface, and let be two positive integers. The inclusion of in gives rise to a homomorphism from the braid group with strings on to the braid group with strings on . We first determine necessary and sufficient conditions that this homomorphism is injective, and we characterize the commensurator, the normalizer and the centralizer of in . Then we calculate the commensurator, the normalizer and the centralizer of in for large surface braid...
On expose une preuve détaillée de la classification par Thurston des huit géométries modèles de dimension trois.
We study the orientation preserving involutions of the orientable 3-dimensional handlebody , for any genus g. A complete classification of such involutions is given in terms of their fixed points.
Let B be a 3-dimensional handlebody of genus g. Let ℳ be the group of the isotopy classes of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of B. We construct a 2-dimensional simplicial complex X, connected and simply-connected, on which ℳ acts by simplicial transformations and has only a finite number of orbits. From this action we derive an explicit finite presentation of ℳ.
It is known that a finite 2-group acting on a ℤ₂-homology 3-sphere has at most ten conjugacy classes of involutions; the action of groups with the maximal number of conjugacy classes of involutions is strictly related to some questions concerning the representation of hyperbolic 3-manifolds as 2-fold branched coverings of knots. Using a low-dimensional approach we classify these maximal actions both from an algebraic and from a geometrical point of view.