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Natural operators lifting functions to bundle functors on fibered manifolds

Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

The complete description of all natural operators lifting real valued functions to bundle functors on fibered manifolds is given. The full collection of all natural operators lifting projectable real valued functions to bundle functors on fibered manifolds is presented.

Natural operators lifting vector fields to bundles of Weil contact elements

Miroslav Kureš, Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A be a Weil algebra. The bijection between all natural operators lifting vector fields from m -manifolds to the bundle functor K A of Weil contact elements and the subalgebra of fixed elements S A of the Weil algebra A is determined and the bijection between all natural affinors on K A and S A is deduced. Furthermore, the rigidity of the functor K A is proved. Requisite results about the structure of S A are obtained by a purely algebraic approach, namely the existence of nontrivial S A is discussed.

Natural T -functions on the cotangent bundle of a Weil bundle

Jiří M. Tomáš (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A natural T -function on a natural bundle F is a natural operator transforming vector fields on a manifold M into functions on F M . For any Weil algebra A satisfying dim M w i d t h ( A ) + 1 we determine all natural T -functions on T * T A M , the cotangent bundle to a Weil bundle T A M .

Natural transformations between T²₁T*M and T*T²₁M

Miroslav Doupovec (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We determine all natural transformations T²₁T*→ T*T²₁ where T k r M = J 0 r ( k , M ) . We also give a geometric characterization of the canonical isomorphism ψ₂ defined by Cantrijn et al.

Natural transformations of higher order cotangent bundle functors

Jan Kurek (1993)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We determine all natural transformations of the rth order cotangent bundle functor T r * into T s * in the following cases: r = s, r < s, r > s. We deduce that all natural transformations of T r * into itself form an r-parameter family linearly generated by the pth power transformations with p =1,...,r.

Natural transformations of semi-holonomic 3-jets

Gabriela Vosmanská (1995)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let J ¯ 3 be the functor of semi-holonomic 3 -jets and J ¯ 3 , 2 be the functor of those semi-holonomic 3 -jets, which are holonomic in the second order. We deduce that the only natural transformations J ¯ 3 J ¯ 3 are the identity and the contraction. Then we determine explicitely all natural transformations J ¯ 3 , 2 J ¯ 3 , 2 , which form two 5 -parameter families.

Natural transformations of separated jets

Miroslav Doupovec, Ivan Kolář (2000)

Archivum Mathematicum

Given a map of a product of two manifolds into a third one, one can define its jets of separated orders r and s . We study the functor J of separated ( r ; s ) -jets. We determine all natural transformations of J into itself and we characterize the canonical exchange J J s ; r from the naturality point of view.

Natural transformations of the composition of Weil and cotangent functors

Miroslav Doupovec (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study geometrical properties of natural transformations T A T * T * T A depending on a linear function defined on the Weil algebra A. We show that for many particular cases of A, all natural transformations T A T * T * T A can be described in a uniform way by means of a simple geometrical construction.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 77