-Homomorphisms and duality of -discrete quantum groups.
The study of diffeomorphism group actions requires methods of infinite dimensional analysis. Really convenient tools can be found in the Frölicher - Kriegl - Michor differentiation theory and its geometrical aspects. In terms of it we develop the calculus of various types of one parameter diffeomorphism groups in infinite dimensional spaces with smooth structure. Some spectral properties of the derivative of exponential mapping for manifolds are given.
The main result of the present paper is an exact sequence which describes the group of central extensions of a connected infinite-dimensional Lie group by an abelian group whose identity component is a quotient of a vector space by a discrete subgroup. A major point of this result is that it is not restricted to smoothly paracompact groups and hence applies in particular to all Banach- and Fréchet-Lie groups. The exact sequence encodes in particular precise obstructions for a given Lie algebra...
In a recent article [B. Bonnard, J.-B. Caillau, R. Sinclair and M. Tanaka, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Anal. Non Linéaire 26 (2009) 1081–1098], we relate the computation of the conjugate and cut loci of a family of metrics on two-spheres of revolution whose polar form is g = dϕ2 + m(ϕ)dθ2 to the period mapping of the ϕ-variable. One purpose of this article is to use this relation to evaluate the cut and conjugate loci for a family of metrics arising as a deformation of the round sphere and to determine...
This survey of the work of the author with several collaborators presents the way groupoids appear and can be used in index theory. We define the general tools, and apply them to the case of manifolds with corners, ending with a topological index theorem.
In the present paper, we consider the class of control systems which are induced by the action of a semi-simple Lie group on a manifold, and we give a sufficient condition which insures that such a system can be steered from any initial state to any final state by an admissible control. The class of systems considered contains, in particular, essentially all the bilinear systems. Our condition is semi-algebraic but unlike the celebrated Kalman criterion for linear systems, it is not necessary. In...