Displaying 101 – 120 of 121

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On the topological charge conservation in the three-dimensional O ( 3 ) σ -model.

Jaroslav Dittrich (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

A field of three-component unit vectors on the 2 + 1 dimensional spacetime is considered. Two field configurations with different values of the topological charge cannot be connected by the path of field configurations with a finite Euclidean action. Therefore there is no transition between them. The initial and final configurations are assumed to be continuous at infinity. The asymptotic behaviour of intermediate configurations may be arbitrary. The proof is based on the properties of the degree of...

On two problems studied by A. Ambrosetti

David Arcoya, José Carmona (2006)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the Ambrosetti–Prodi and Ambrosetti–Rabinowitz problems.We prove for the first one the existence of a continuum of solutions with shape of a reflected C ( -shape). Next, we show that there is a relationship between these two problems.

On variational impulsive boundary value problems

Marek Galewski (2012)

Open Mathematics

Using the variational approach, we investigate the existence of solutions and their dependence on functional parameters for classical solutions to the second order impulsive boundary value Dirichlet problems with L1 right hand side.

Optimal, adaptive and single state feedback control for a 3D chaotic system with golden proportion equilibria

Hassan Saberi Nik, Ping He, Sayyed Taha Talebian (2014)


In this paper, the problems on purposefully controlling chaos for a three-dimensional quadratic continuous autonomous chaotic system, namely the chaotic Pehlivan-Uyaroglu system are investigated. The chaotic system, has three equilibrium points and more interestingly the equilibrium points have golden proportion values, which can generate single folded attractor. We developed an optimal control design, in order to stabilize the unstable equilibrium points of this system. Furthermore, we propose...

Optimal control of variational inequality with applications to axisymmetric shells

Ján Lovíšek (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

The optimal control problem of variational inequality with applications to axisymmetric shells is discussed. First an existence result for the solution of the optimal control problem is given. Next is presented the formulation of first order necessary conditionas of optimality for the control problem governed by a variational inequality with its coefficients as control variables.

Optimal control problems on parallelizable riemannian manifolds : theory and applications

Ram V. Iyer, Raymond Holsapple, David Doman (2006)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The motivation for this work is the real-time solution of a standard optimal control problem arising in robotics and aerospace applications. For example, the trajectory planning problem for air vehicles is naturally cast as an optimal control problem on the tangent bundle of the Lie Group S E ( 3 ) , which is also a parallelizable riemannian manifold. For an optimal control problem on the tangent bundle of such a manifold, we use frame co-ordinates and obtain first-order necessary conditions employing calculus...

Optimal control problems on parallelizable Riemannian manifolds: theory and applications

Ram V. Iyer, Raymond Holsapple, David Doman (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The motivation for this work is the real-time solution of a standard optimal control problem arising in robotics and aerospace applications. For example, the trajectory planning problem for air vehicles is naturally cast as an optimal control problem on the tangent bundle of the Lie Group SE(3), which is also a parallelizable Riemannian manifold. For an optimal control problem on the tangent bundle of such a manifold, we use frame co-ordinates and obtain first-order necessary conditions...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 121