Displaying 541 – 560 of 1746

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Generalized holomorphic analytic torsion

José Ignacio Burgos Gil, Gerard Freixas i Montplet, Răzvan Liţcanu (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this paper we extend the holomorphic analytic torsion classes of Bismut and Köhler to arbitrary projective morphisms between smooth algebraic complex varieties. To this end, we propose an axiomatic definition and give a classification of the theories of generalized holomorphic analytic torsion classes for projective morphisms. The extension of the holomorphic analytic torsion classes of Bismut and Köhler is obtained as the theory of generalized analytic torsion classes associated to R = 2 , R being...

Generalized signature operators and spectral triples for the Kronecker foliation

R. Matthes, O. Richter, G. Rudolph (2003)

Banach Center Publications

We consider two spectral triples related to the Kronecker foliation. The corresponding generalized Dirac operators are constructed from first and second order signature operators. Furthermore, we consider the differential calculi corresponding to these spectral triples. In one case, the calculus has a description in terms of generators and relations, in the other case it is an "almost free" calculus.

Generalized Verma module homomorphisms in singular character

Peter Franek (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we study invariant differential operators on manifolds with a given parabolic structure. The model for the parabolic geometry is the quotient of the orthogonal group by a maximal parabolic subgroup corresponding to crossing of the k -th simple root of the Dynkin diagram. In particular, invariant differential operators discussed in the paper correspond (in a flat model) to the Dirac operator in several variables.

Geometric heat kernel coefficient for APS-type boundary conditions

Gorm Salomonsen (1998)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

I present an alternative way of computing the index of a Dirac operator on a manifold with boundary and a special family of pseudodifferential boundary conditions. The local version of this index theorem contains a number of divergence terms in the interior, which are higher order heat kernel invariants. I will present a way of associating boundary terms to those divergence terms, which are rather local of nature.

Geometric renormalization of large energy wave maps

Terence Tao (2004)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

There has been much progress in recent years in understanding the existence problem for wave maps with small critical Sobolev norm (in particular for two-dimensional wave maps with small energy); a key aspect in that theory has been a renormalization procedure (either a geometric Coulomb gauge, or a microlocal gauge) which converts the nonlinear term into one closer to that of a semilinear wave equation. However, both of these renormalization procedures encounter difficulty if the energy of the...

Géométrie conforme en dimension 4 : ce que l’analyse nous apprend

Christophe Margerin (2004/2005)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Cet article présente les idées, les outils et les résultats qui ont permis à Chang S.-Y. A., M. Gursky et Yang P. de donner une caractérisation intégrale conforme de la sphère standard en dimension 4. Nous démarrons avec une généralisation à cette dimension de la formule de Polyakov pour les déterminants régularisés, que nous utilisons ensuite pour résoudre des problèmes du type “Yamabe” pour des polynômes quadratiques en la courbure de Ricci. Nous introduisons au passage le concept de paire conforme,...

Geometry of non-holonomic diffusion

Simon Hochgerner, Tudor S. Ratiu (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study stochastically perturbed non-holonomic systems from a geometric point of view. In this setting, it turns out that the probabilistic properties of the perturbed system are intimately linked to the geometry of the constraint distribution. For G -Chaplygin systems, this yields a stochastic criterion for the existence of a smooth preserved measure. As an application of our results we consider the motion planning problem for the noisy two-wheeled robot and the noisy snakeboard.

Germes de configurations legendriennes stables et fonctions d'Airy-Weber généralisées

Nguyen Hu'u Du'c, Frédéric Pham (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On sait depuis Maslov, Arnold, etc... associer à presque tout germe de variété lagrangienne ou legendrienne lisse une classe de fonctions oscillantes qui sous des hypothèses génériques à la Thom fournissent des modèles universels pour le comportement d’une onde lumineuse au voisinage de la caustique.Le présent article étend cette construction à une classe de situations où la variété caractéristique est un germe singulier (union de composantes lisses), qui peut néanmoins être stable en ce sens que...

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 1746