Displaying 181 – 200 of 1721

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Applications of time-delayed backward stochastic differential equations to pricing, hedging and portfolio management in insurance and finance

Łukasz Delong (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We investigate novel applications of a new class of equations which we call time-delayed backward stochastic differential equations. Time-delayed BSDEs may arise in insurance and finance in an attempt to find an investment strategy and an investment portfolio which should replicate a liability or meet a target depending on the strategy applied or the past values of the portfolio. In this setting, a managed investment portfolio serves simultaneously as the underlying security on which the liability/target...

Approximation of bivariate Markov chains by one-dimensional diffusion processes

Daniela Kuklíková (1978)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with several questions of the diffusion approximation. The goal of this paper is to create the general method of reducting the dimension of the model with the aid of the diffusion approximation. Especially, two dimensional random variables are approximated by one-dimensional diffusion process by replacing one of its coordinates by a certain characteristic, e.g. by its stationary expectation. The suggested method is used for several different systems. For instance, the method is applicable...

Approximation of finite-dimensional distributions for integrals driven by α-stable Lévy motion

Aleksander Janicki (1999)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We present a method of numerical approximation for stochastic integrals involving α-stable Lévy motion as an integrator. Constructions of approximate sums are based on the Poissonian series representation of such random measures. The main result gives an estimate of the rate of convergence of finite-dimensional distributions of finite sums approximating such stochastic integrals. Stochastic integrals driven by such measures are of interest in constructions of models for various problems arising...

Approximation of stochastic advection diffusion equations with stochastic alternating direction explicit methods

Ali R. Soheili, Mahdieh Arezoomandan (2013)

Applications of Mathematics

The numerical solutions of stochastic partial differential equations of Itô type with time white noise process, using stable stochastic explicit finite difference methods are considered in the paper. Basically, Stochastic Alternating Direction Explicit (SADE) finite difference schemes for solving stochastic time dependent advection-diffusion and diffusion equations are represented and the main properties of these stochastic numerical methods, e.g. stability, consistency and convergence are analyzed....

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 1721