Konvergenzaussagen für Kollokationsverfahren bei elliptischen Randwertaufgaben.
This paper investigates best rank-(r 1,..., r d) Tucker tensor approximation of higher-order tensors arising from the discretization of linear operators and functions in ℝd. Super-convergence of the best rank-(r 1,..., r d) Tucker-type decomposition with respect to the relative Frobenius norm is proven. Dimensionality reduction by the two-level Tucker-to-canonical approximation is discussed. Tensor-product representation of basic multi-linear algebra operations is considered, including inner, outer...
This paper presents a model based on spectral hyperviscosity for the simulation of 3D turbulent incompressible flows. One particularity of this model is that the hyperviscosity is active only at the short velocity scales, a feature which is reminiscent of Large Eddy Simulation models. We propose a Fourier–Galerkin approximation of the perturbed Navier–Stokes equations and we show that, as the cutoff wavenumber goes to infinity, the solution of the model converges (up to subsequences) to a weak solution...
This paper presents a model based on spectral hyperviscosity for the simulation of 3D turbulent incompressible flows. One particularity of this model is that the hyperviscosity is active only at the short velocity scales, a feature which is reminiscent of Large Eddy Simulation models. We propose a Fourier–Galerkin approximation of the perturbed Navier–Stokes equations and we show that, as the cutoff wavenumber goes to infinity, the solution of the model converges (up to subsequences) to a weak...
We show that the Maxwell equations in the low frequency limit, in a domain composed of insulating and conducting regions, has a saddle point structure, where the electric field in the insulating region is the Lagrange multiplier that enforces the curl-free constraint on the magnetic field. We propose a mixed finite element technique for solving this problem, and we show that, under mild regularity assumption on the data, Lagrange finite elements can be used as an alternative to edge elements.
We show that the Maxwell equations in the low frequency limit, in a domain composed of insulating and conducting regions, has a saddle point structure, where the electric field in the insulating region is the Lagrange multiplier that enforces the curl-free constraint on the magnetic field. We propose a mixed finite element technique for solving this problem, and we show that, under mild regularity assumption on the data, Lagrange finite elements can be used as an alternative to edge elements.
This paper deals with the mortar spectral element discretization of two equivalent problems, the Laplace equation and the Darcy system, in a domain which corresponds to a nonhomogeneous anisotropic medium. The numerical analysis of the discretization leads to optimal error estimates and the numerical experiments that we present enable us to verify its efficiency.
We consider the Laplace equation posed in a three-dimensional axisymmetric domain. We reduce the original problem by a Fourier expansion in the angular variable to a countable family of two-dimensional problems. We decompose the meridian domain, assumed polygonal, in a finite number of rectangles and we discretize by a spectral method. Then we describe the main features of the mortar method and use the algorithm Strang Fix to improve the accuracy of our discretization.
We consider the Laplace equation posed in a three-dimensional axisymmetric domain. We reduce the original problem by a Fourier expansion in the angular variable to a countable family of two-dimensional problems. We decompose the meridian domain, assumed polygonal, in a finite number of rectangles and we discretize by a spectral method. Then we describe the main features of the mortar method and use the algorithm Strang Fix to improve the accuracy...
In this article, we provide a priorierror estimates for the spectral and pseudospectral Fourier (also called planewave) discretizations of the periodic Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsäcker (TFW) model and for the spectral discretization of the periodic Kohn-Sham model, within the local density approximation (LDA). These models allow to compute approximations of the electronic ground state energy and density of molecular systems in the condensed phase. The TFW model is strictly convex with respect to the...
In this article, we provide a priori error estimates for the spectral and pseudospectral Fourier (also called planewave) discretizations of the periodic Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsäcker (TFW) model and for the spectral discretization of the periodic Kohn-Sham model, within the local density approximation (LDA). These models allow to compute approximations of the electronic ground state energy and density of molecular systems in the condensed phase. The TFW model is strictly convex with respect to the...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (primary), 35S15 (secondary)This paper provides a new method and corresponding numerical schemes to approximate a fractional-in-space diffusion equation on a bounded domain under boundary conditions of the Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin type. The method is based on a matrix representation of the fractional-in-space operator and the novelty of this approach is that a standard discretisation of the operator leads to a system of linear ODEs with the matrix...