Displaying 41 – 60 of 68

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Conservation laws and symmetry in economic growth models: a geometrical approach.

Manuel de León, David Martín de Diego (1998)

Extracta Mathematicae

The aim of the present paper is twofold. On one hand, we present a classification of infinitesimal symmetries for Lagrangian systems, and the corresponding Noether theorems. The derivation of the result is made by using the symplectic techniques. Some of the results were previously obtained by other authors (see Prince (1985) for instance), and an exhaustive presentation can be found in de León and Martín de Diego (1995, 1996). Let us note that these results are true even if the Lagrangian function...

Construcción de campos vectoriales en base a integrales parciales dadas.

Rafael Ramírez, Natalia Sadovskaia (1989)

Collectanea Mathematica

A mathematical model based on the principle of less contractions is proposed for the construction of velocity vector fields and forces from given integrals. Necessary algebraic conditions for the solution of the problem are deduced. In addition, the velocity vector field is extended in a neighbourhood of the integrals. Applications and examples are given.

Construction of algebraic and difference equations with a prescribed solution space

Lazaros Moysis, Nicholas P. Karampetakis (2017)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper studies the solution space of systems of algebraic and difference equations, given as auto-regressive (AR) representations A(σ)β(k) = 0, where σ denotes the shift forward operator and A(σ) is a regular polynomial matrix. The solution space of such systems consists of forward and backward propagating solutions, over a finite time horizon. This solution space can be constructed from knowledge of the finite and infinite elementary divisor structure of A(σ). This work deals with the inverse...

Control of the underactuated mechanical systems using natural motion

Zdeněk Neusser, Michael Valášek (2012)


The paper deals with the control of underactuated mechanical systems between equilibrium positions across the singular positions. The considered mechanical systems are in the gravity field. The goal is to find feasible trajectory connecting the equilibrium positions that can be the basis of the system control. Such trajectory can be stabilized around both equilibrium positions and due to the gravity forces the mechanical system overcomes the singular positions. This altogether constitutes the control...

Controllability of 3D low Reynolds number swimmers

Jérôme Lohéac, Alexandre Munnier (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this article, we consider a swimmer (i.e. a self-deformable body) immersed in a fluid, the flow of which is governed by the stationary Stokes equations. This model is relevant for studying the locomotion of microorganisms or micro robots for which the inertia effects can be neglected. Our first main contribution is to prove that any such microswimmer has the ability to track, by performing a sequence of shape changes, any given trajectory in the fluid. We show that, in addition, this can be done...

Controllability of a Nonhomogeneous String and Ring under Time Dependent Tension

S. A. Avdonin, B. P. Belinskiy, L. Pandolfi (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study controllability for a nonhomogeneous string and ring under an axial stretching tension that varies with time. We consider the boundary control for a string and distributed control for a ring. For a string, we are looking for a control f(t) ∈ L2(0, T) that drives the state solution to rest. We show that for a ring, two forces are required to achieve controllability. The controllability problem is reduced to a moment problem...

Controllability properties of a class of systems modeling swimming microscopic organisms

Mario Sigalotti, Jean-Claude Vivalda (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a finite-dimensional model for the motion of microscopic organisms whose propulsion exploits the action of a layer of cilia covering its surface. The model couples Newton's laws driving the organism, considered as a rigid body, with Stokes equations governing the surrounding fluid. The action of the cilia is described by a set of controlled velocity fields on the surface of the organism. The first contribution of the paper is the proof that such a system is generically controllable...

Controlling a non-homogeneous Timoshenko beam with the aid of the torque

Grigory M. Sklyar, Grzegorz Szkibiel (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Considered is the control and stabilizability of a slowly rotating non-homogeneous Timoshenko beam with the aid of a torque. It turns out that the beam is (approximately) controllable with the aid of the torque if and only if it is (approximately) controllable. However, the controllability problem appears to be a side-effect while studying the stabilizability. To build a stabilizing control one needs to go through the methods of correcting the operators with functionals so that they have finally...

Convergence results for periodic solutions of nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems

Mario Girardi, Michele Matzeu (1990)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We prove some stability results for a certain class of periodic solutions of nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems in the case of Hamiltonian functions either with subquadratic growth or homogeneous with superquadratic growth. Thus we extend to the nonautonomous case some results recently established by the Authors for the autonomous case.

Convergenza per l'equazione degli integrali primi associata al problema del rimbalzo

Michele Carriero, Antonio Leaci, Eduardo Pascali (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In this paper we present a few results on convergence for the prime integrals equations connected with the bounce problem. This approach allows both to prove uniqueness for the one-dimensional bounce problem for almost all permissible Cauchy data (see also [6]) and to deepen previous results (see [3], [5], [7]).

Coplanar control of a satellite around the earth

Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Joseph Noailles (2001)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We investigate the minimum time transfer of a satellite around the Earth. Using an optimal control model, we study the controllability of the system and propose a geometrical analysis of the optimal command structure. Furthermore, in order to solve the problem numerically, a new parametric technique is introduced for which convergence properties are established.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 68