Displaying 41 – 60 of 66

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On a generalization of Helmholtz conditions

Radka Malíková (2009)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

Helmholtz conditions in the calculus of variations are necessary and sufficient conditions for a system of differential equations to be variational ‘as it stands’. It is known that this property geometrically means that the dynamical form representing the equations can be completed to a closed form. We study an analogous property for differential forms of degree 3, so-called Helmholtz-type forms in mechanics ( n = 1 ), and obtain a generalization of Helmholtz conditions to this case.

On asymptotic motions of robot-manipulator in homogeneous space

Anton Dekrét, Ján Bakša (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper the notion of robot-manipulators in the Euclidean space is generalized to the case in a general homogeneous space with the Lie group G of motions. Some kinematic subspaces of the Lie algebra 𝒢 (the subspaces of velocity operators, of Coriolis acceleration operators, asymptotic subspaces) are introduced and by them asymptotic and geodesic motions are described.

On Carnot's theorem in time dependent impulsive mechanics.

Stefano Pasquero (2005)

Extracta Mathematicae

We show that the validity of the Carnot's theorem about the kinetic energy balance for a mechanical system subject to an inert impulsive kinetic constraint, once correctly framed in the time dependent geometric environment for Impulsive Mechanics given by the left and right jet bundles of the space-time bundle N, is strictly related to the frame of reference used to describe the system and then it is not an intrinsic property of the mechanical system itself. We analyze in details the class of frames...

On differential inclusions of velocity hodograph type with Carathéodory conditions on Riemannian manifolds

Yuri E. Gliklikh, Andrei V. Obukhovski (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

We investigate velocity hodograph inclusions for the case of right-hand sides satisfying upper Carathéodory conditions. As an application we obtain an existence theorem for a boundary value problem for second-order differential inclusions on complete Riemannian manifolds with Carathéodory right-hand sides.

On Galilean connections and the first jet bundle

James Grant, Bradley Lackey (2012)

Open Mathematics

We see how the first jet bundle of curves into affine space can be realized as a homogeneous space of the Galilean group. Cartan connections with this model are precisely the geometric structure of second-order ordinary differential equations under time-preserving transformations - sometimes called KCC-theory. With certain regularity conditions, we show that any such Cartan connection induces “laboratory” coordinate systems, and the geodesic equations in this coordinates form a system of second-order...

Particles, phases, fields

L. Wojtczak, A. Urbaniak-Kucharczyk, I. Zasada, J. Rutkowski (1996)

Banach Center Publications

The physical properties of particles and phasesare considered in connection with their description by means of the deformation of space-time. The analogy between particle trajectories and phase boundaries is discussed. The geometry and its curvature is related to the Clifford algebraic structure whose construction in terms of the theory of deformation leads to the expected solutions for correlation functions referring to spectroscopy and scattering problems. The stochastic nature of space-time is...

Poisson–Lie sigma models on Drinfel’d double

Jan Vysoký, Ladislav Hlavatý (2012)

Archivum Mathematicum

Poisson sigma models represent an interesting use of Poisson manifolds for the construction of a classical field theory. Their definition in the language of fibre bundles is shown and the corresponding field equations are derived using a coordinate independent variational principle. The elegant form of equations of motion for so called Poisson-Lie groups is derived. Construction of the Poisson-Lie group corresponding to a given Lie bialgebra is widely known only for coboundary Lie bialgebras. Using...

Relations between constants of motion and conserved functions

Josef Janyška (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum

We study relations between functions on the cotangent bundle of a spacetime which are constants of motion for geodesics and functions on the odd-dimensional phase space conserved by the Reeb vector fields of geometrical structures generated by the metric and an electromagnetic field.

Several examples of nonholonomic mechanical systems

Martin Swaczyna (2011)

Communications in Mathematics

A unified geometric approach to nonholonomic constrained mechanical systems is applied to several concrete problems from the classical mechanics of particles and rigid bodies. In every of these examples the given constraint conditions are analysed, a corresponding constraint submanifold in the phase space is considered, the corresponding constrained mechanical system is modelled on the constraint submanifold, the reduced equations of motion of this system (i.e. equations of motion defined on the...

Sui moti polinomiali

Franco De Franchis (1970)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

Symmetries and currents in nonholonomic mechanics

Michal Čech, Jana Musilová (2014)

Communications in Mathematics

In this paper we derive general equations for constraint Noethertype symmetries of a first order non-holonomic mechanical system and the corresponding currents, i.e. functions constant along trajectories of the nonholonomic system. The approach is based on a consistent and effective geometrical theory of nonholonomic constrained systems on fibred manifolds and their jet prolongations, first presented and developed by Olga Rossi. As a representative example of application of the geometrical theory...

Systèmes hamiltoniens k-symplectiques.

Azzouz Awane, Mohamed Belam, Sadik Fikri, Mohammed Lahmouz, Bouchra Naanani (2002)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study some properties of the k-symplectic Hamiltonian systems in analogy with the well-known classical Hamiltonian systems. The integrability of k-symplectic Hamiltonian systems and the relationships with the Nambu's statistical mechanics are given.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 66