Solutions to Maxwell equations for an electromagnetic beam injected into a plasma.
We study solutions of the 2D Ginzburg–Landau equation subject to “semi-stiff” boundary conditions: Dirichlet conditions for the modulus, , and homogeneous Neumann conditions for the phase. The principal result of this work shows that there are stable solutions of this problem with zeros (vortices), which are located near the boundary and have bounded energy in the limit of small . For the Dirichlet boundary condition (“stiff” problem), the existence of stable solutions with vortices, whose energy...
By using an inductive procedure we prove that the Galerkin finite element approximations of electromagnetic eigenproblems modelling cavity resonators by elements of any fixed order of either Nedelec’s edge element family on tetrahedral meshes are convergent and free of spurious solutions. This result is not new but is proved under weaker hypotheses, which are fulfilled in most of engineering applications. The method of the proof is new, instead, and shows how families of spurious-free elements can...
By using an inductive procedure we prove that the Galerkin finite element approximations of electromagnetic eigenproblems modelling cavity resonators by elements of any fixed order of either Nedelec's edge element family on tetrahedral meshes are convergent and free of spurious solutions. This result is not new but is proved under weaker hypotheses, which are fulfilled in most of engineering applications. The method of the proof is new, instead, and shows how families of spurious-free elements...
The magnetization of a ferromagnetic sample solves a non-convex variational problem, where its relaxation by convexifying the energy density resolves relevant macroscopic information. The numerical analysis of the relaxed model has to deal with a constrained convex but degenerated, nonlocal energy functional in mixed formulation for magnetic potential and magnetization . In [C. Carstensen and A. Prohl, Numer. Math. 90 (2001) 65–99], the conforming -element in spatial dimensions is shown to...
The magnetization of a ferromagnetic sample solves a non-convex variational problem, where its relaxation by convexifying the energy density resolves relevant macroscopic information. The numerical analysis of the relaxed model has to deal with a constrained convex but degenerated, nonlocal energy functional in mixed formulation for magnetic potential u and magnetization m. In [C. Carstensen and A. Prohl, Numer. Math.90 (2001) 65–99], the conforming P1 - (P0)d-element in d=2,3 spatial dimensions...
Taking the cue from stabilized Galerkin methods for scalar advection problems, we adapt the technique to boundary value problems modeling the advection of magnetic fields. We provide rigorous a priori error estimates for both fully discontinuous piecewise polynomial trial functions and -conforming finite elements.
We consider the magnetic induction equation for the evolution of a magnetic field in a plasma where the velocity is given. The aim is to design a numerical scheme which also handles the divergence constraint in a suitable manner. We design and analyze an upwind scheme based on the symmetrized version of the equations in the non-conservative form. The scheme is shown to converge to a weak solution of the equations. Furthermore, the discrete divergence produced by the scheme is shown to be...
We will show that some of the superconvergence properties for the mixed finite element method for elliptic problems are preserved in the mixed semi-discretizations for a diffusion equation and for a Maxwell equation in two space dimensions. With the help of mixed elliptic projection we will present estimates global and pointwise in time. The results for the Maxwell equations form an extension of existing results. For both problems, our results imply that post-processing and a posteriori error estimation...
Le système d’évolution de Nernst-Planck-Poisson-Boltzmann modélise les transferts ioniques en milieu poreux saturé en prenant en compte des interactions électrocapillaires au contact du substrat. Ce modèle présente un intérêt particulier en génie civil pour étudier la dégradation par corrosion des matériaux cimentaires, à structure micro-locale périodique, sous l’effet des ions chlorures. Les techniques d’homogénéisation sont alors un outil puissant pour élaborer un modèle macroscopique équivalent...
The Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain (DGTD) methods are now popular for the solution of wave propagation problems. Able to deal with unstructured, possibly locally-refined meshes, they handle easily complex geometries and remain fully explicit with easy parallelization and extension to high orders of accuracy. Non-dissipative versions exist, where some discrete electromagnetic energy is exactly conserved. However, the stability limit of the methods, related to the smallest elements in the mesh,...
The Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain (DGTD) methods are now popular for the solution of wave propagation problems. Able to deal with unstructured, possibly locally-refined meshes, they handle easily complex geometries and remain fully explicit with easy parallelization and extension to high orders of accuracy. Non-dissipative versions exist, where some discrete electromagnetic energy is exactly conserved. However, the stability limit of the methods, related to the smallest elements in the mesh,...
We present the formulation of optical diffraction problem on periodic interface based on vector tangential fields, for which the system of boundary integral equations is established. Obtained mathematical model is numerically solved using boundary element method and applied to sine interface profile.
In this paper we study the temporal convergence of a locally implicit discontinuous Galerkin method for the time-domain Maxwell’s equations modeling electromagnetic waves propagation. Particularly, we wonder whether the method retains its second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) convergence under stable simultaneous space-time grid refinement towards the true partial differential equation (PDE) solution. This is not a priori clear due to the component splitting which can introduce order...
In this paper we study the temporal convergence of a locally implicit discontinuous Galerkin method for the time-domain Maxwell’s equations modeling electromagnetic waves propagation. Particularly, we wonder whether the method retains its second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) convergence under stable simultaneous space-time grid refinement towards the true partial differential equation (PDE) solution. This is not a priori clear due to the component splitting which can introduce order...
We prove the discrete compactness property of the edge elements of any order on a class of anisotropically refined meshes on polyhedral domains. The meshes, made up of tetrahedra, have been introduced in [Th. Apel and S. Nicaise, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 21 (1998) 519–549]. They are appropriately graded near singular corners and edges of the polyhedron.
We prove the discrete compactness property of the edge elements of any order on a class of anisotropically refined meshes on polyhedral domains. The meshes, made up of tetrahedra, have been introduced in [Th. Apel and S. Nicaise, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 21 (1998) 519–549]. They are appropriately graded near singular corners and edges of the polyhedron.
We consider a boundary optimal control problem for the Maxwell system with a final value cost criterion. We introduce a time domain decomposition procedure for the corresponding optimality system which leads to a sequence of uncoupled optimality systems of local-in-time optimal control problems. In the limit full recovery of the coupling conditions is achieved, and, hence, the local solutions and controls converge to the global ones. The process is inherently parallel and is suitable for real-time...
We consider a boundary optimal control problem for the Maxwell system with a final value cost criterion. We introduce a time domain decomposition procedure for the corresponding optimality system which leads to a sequence of uncoupled optimality systems of local-in-time optimal control problems. In the limit full recovery of the coupling conditions is achieved, and, hence, the local solutions and controls converge to the global ones. The process is inherently parallel and is suitable for real-time...