Displaying 41 – 60 of 98

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Solutions of the Dirac-Fock equations without projector

Éric Paturel (2000)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

In this paper we prove the existence of infinitely many solutions of the Dirac-Fock equations with N electrons turning around a nucleus of atomic charge Z , satisfying N < Z + 1 and α max ( Z , N ) < 2 / ( 2 / π + π / 2 ) , where α is the fundamental constant of the electromagnetic interaction (approximately 1/137). This work is an improvement of an article of Esteban-Séré, where the same result was proved under more restrictive assumptions on N .

Sparse grids for the Schrödinger equation

Michael Griebel, Jan Hamaekers (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a sparse grid/hyperbolic cross discretization for many-particle problems. It involves the tensor product of a one-particle multilevel basis. Subsequent truncation of the associated series expansion then results in a sparse grid discretization. Here, depending on the norms involved, different variants of sparse grid techniques for many-particle spaces can be derived that, in the best case, result in complexities and error estimates which are independent of the number of particles. Furthermore...

Spectra of elements in the group ring of SU(2)

Alex Gamburd, Dmitry Jakobson, Peter Sarnak (1999)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We present a new method for establishing the ‘‘gap” property for finitely generated subgroups of SU ( 2 ) , providing an elementary solution of Ruziewicz problem on S 2 as well as giving many new examples of finitely generated subgroups of SU ( 2 ) with an explicit gap. The distribution of the eigenvalues of the elements of the group ring 𝐑 [ SU ( 2 ) ] in the N -th irreducible representation of SU ( 2 ) is also studied. Numerical experiments indicate that for a generic (in measure) element of 𝐑 [ SU ( 2 ) ] , the “unfolded” consecutive spacings...

Spectral analysis in a thin domain with periodically oscillating characteristics

Rita Ferreira, Luísa M. Mascarenhas, Andrey Piatnitski (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The paper deals with a Dirichlet spectral problem for an elliptic operator with ε-periodic coefficients in a 3D bounded domain of small thickness δ. We study the asymptotic behavior of the spectrum as ε and δ tend to zero. This asymptotic behavior depends crucially on whether ε and δ are of the same order (δ ≈ ε), or ε is much less than δ(δ = ετ, τ < 1), or ε is much greater than δ(δ = ετ, τ > 1). We consider all three cases.

Spectral analysis in a thin domain with periodically oscillating characteristics

Rita Ferreira, Luísa M. Mascarenhas, Andrey Piatnitski (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The paper deals with a Dirichlet spectral problem for an elliptic operator with ε-periodic coefficients in a 3D bounded domain of small thickness δ. We study the asymptotic behavior of the spectrum as ε and δ tend to zero. This asymptotic behavior depends crucially on whether ε and δ are of the same order (δ ≈ ε), or ε is much less than δ(δ = ετ, τ < 1), or ε is much greater than δ(δ = ετ, τ > 1). ...

Spectral analysis of unbounded Jacobi operators with oscillating entries

Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We describe the spectra of Jacobi operators J with some irregular entries. We divide ℝ into three “spectral regions” for J and using the subordinacy method and asymptotic methods based on some particular discrete versions of Levinson’s theorem we prove the absolute continuity in the first region and the pure pointness in the second. In the third region no information is given by the above methods, and we call it the “uncertainty region”. As an illustration, we introduce and analyse the OP family...

Spectral projection, residue of the scattering amplitude and Schrödinger group expansion for barrier-top resonances

Jean-François Bony, Setsuro Fujiié, Thierry Ramond, Maher Zerzeri (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the spectral projection associated to a barrier-top resonance for the semiclassical Schrödinger operator. First, we prove a resolvent estimate for complex energies close to such a resonance. Using that estimate and an explicit representation of the resonant states, we show that the spectral projection has a semiclassical expansion in integer powers of h , and compute its leading term. We use this result to compute the residue of the scattering amplitude at such a resonance. Eventually, we...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 98