Équations de Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov et théorie des représentations
In a statistical mechanics model with unbounded spins, we prove uniqueness of the Gibbs measure under various assumptions on finite volume functional inequalities. We follow Royer's approach (Royer, 1999) and obtain uniqueness by showing convergence properties of a Glauber-Langevin dynamics. The result was known when the measures on the box [-n,n]d (with free boundary conditions) satisfied the same logarithmic Sobolev inequality. We generalize this in two directions: either the constants may be...
We consider the Gaudin model associated to a point z ∈ ℂⁿ with pairwise distinct coordinates and to the subspace of singular vectors of a given weight in the tensor product of irreducible finite-dimensional sl₂-representations, [G]. The Bethe equations of this model provide the critical point system of a remarkable rational symmetric function. Any critical orbit determines a common eigenvector of the Gaudin hamiltonians called a Bethe vector. In [ReV], it was shown that for generic...
We prove several facts concerning Lipschitz percolation, including the following. The critical probability pL for the existence of an open Lipschitz surface in site percolation on ℤd with d ≥ 2 satisfies the improved bound pL ≤ 1 − 1/[8(d − 1)]. Whenever p > pL, the height of the lowest Lipschitz surface above the origin has an exponentially decaying tail. For p sufficiently close to 1, the connected regions of ℤd−1 above which the surface has height 2 or more exhibit stretched-exponential...
In this paper we study homogeneous Gibbs measures on a Cayley tree, subjected to an infinite-temperature Glauber evolution, and consider their (non-)Gibbsian properties. We show that the intermediate Gibbs state (which in zero field is the free-boundary-condition Gibbs state) behaves differently from the plus and the minus state. E.g. at large times, all configurations are bad for the intermediate state, whereas the plus configuration never is bad for the plus state. Moreover, we show that for each...
We consider a generalization of the so-called divide and color model recently introduced by Häggström. We investigate the behavior of the magnetization in large boxes of the lattice and its fluctuations. Thus, Laws of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorems are proved, both quenched and annealed. We show that the properties of the underlying percolation process deeply influence the behavior of the coloring model. In the subcritical case, the limit magnetization is deterministic and the Central...
We consider a generalization of the so-called divide and color model recently introduced by Häggström. We investigate the behavior of the magnetization in large boxes of the lattice and its fluctuations. Thus, Laws of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorems are proved, both quenched and annealed. We show that the properties of the underlying percolation process deeply influence the behavior of the coloring model. In the subcritical case, the limit magnetization is deterministic and the Central Limit...