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Sampling the Fermi statistics and other conditional product measures

A. Gaudillière, J. Reygner (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Through a Metropolis-like algorithm with single step computational cost of order one, we build a Markov chain that relaxes to the canonical Fermi statistics for k non-interacting particles among m energy levels. Uniformly over the temperature as well as the energy values and degeneracies of the energy levels we give an explicit upper bound with leading term km ln k for the mixing time of the dynamics. We obtain such construction and upper bound as a special case of a general result on (non-homogeneous)...

Scaling limit and cube-root fluctuations in SOS surfaces above a wall

Pietro Caputo, Eyal Lubetzky, Fabio Martinelli, Allan Sly, Fabio Lucio Toninelli (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Consider the classical ( 2 + 1 ) -dimensional Solid-On-Solid model above a hard wall on an L × L box of 2 . The model describes a crystal surface by assigning a non-negative integer height η x to each site x in the box and 0 heights to its boundary. The probability of a surface configuration η is proportional to exp ( - β ( η ) ) , where β is the inverse-temperature and ( η ) sums the absolute values of height differences between neighboring sites. We give a full description of the shape of the SOS surface for low enough temperatures....

Scaling limits of anisotropic Hastings–Levitov clusters

Fredrik Johansson Viklund, Alan Sola, Amanda Turner (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider a variation of the standard Hastings–Levitov model HL(0), in which growth is anisotropic. Two natural scaling limits are established and we give precise descriptions of the effects of the anisotropy. We show that the limit shapes can be realised as Loewner hulls and that the evolution of harmonic measure on the cluster boundary can be described by the solution to a deterministic ordinary differential equation related to the Loewner equation. We also characterise the stochastic fluctuations...

Scaling of a random walk on a supercritical contact process

F. den Hollander, R. S. dos Santos (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We prove a strong law of large numbers for a one-dimensional random walk in a dynamic random environment given by a supercritical contact process in equilibrium. The proof uses a coupling argument based on the observation that the random walk eventually gets trapped inside the union of space–time cones contained in the infection clusters generated by single infections. In the case where the local drifts of the random walk are smaller than the speed at which infection clusters grow, the random walk...

Search for different links with the same Jones' type polynomials: Ideas from graph theory and statistical mechanics

Józef Przytycki (1995)

Banach Center Publications

We describe in this talk three methods of constructing different links with the same Jones type invariant. All three can be thought as generalizations of mutation. The first combines the satellite construction with mutation. The second uses the notion of rotant, taken from the graph theory, the third, invented by Jones, transplants into knot theory the idea of the Yang-Baxter equation with the spectral parameter (idea employed by Baxter in the theory of solvable models in statistical mechanics)....

Self-avoiding walks on the lattice ℤ² with the 8-neighbourhood system

Andrzej Chydziński, Bogdan Smołka (2001)

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper deals with the properties of self-avoiding walks defined on the lattice with the 8-neighbourhood system. We compute the number of walks, bridges and mean-square displacement for N=1 through 13 (N is the number of steps of the self-avoiding walk). We also estimate the connective constant and critical exponents, and study finite memory and generating functions. We show applications of this kind of walk. In addition, we compute upper bounds for the number of walks and the connective constant....

SLE et invariance conforme

Jean Bertoin (2003/2004)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Les processus de Schramm-Loewner (SLE) induisent des courbes aléatoires du plan complexe, qui vérifient une propriété d’invariance conforme. Ce sont des outils fondamentaux pour la compréhension du comportement asymptotique en régime critique de certains modèles discrets intervenant en physique statistique ; ils ont permis notamment d’établir rigoureusement certaines conjectures importantes dans ce domaine.

Slowdown estimates and central limit theorem for random walks in random environment

Alain-Sol Sznitman (2000)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

This work is concerned with asymptotic properties of multi-dimensional random walks in random environment. Under Kalikow’s condition, we show a central limit theorem for random walks in random environment on d , when d > 2 . We also derive tail estimates on the probability of slowdowns. These latter estimates are of special interest due to the natural interplay between slowdowns and the presence of traps in the medium. The tail behavior of the renewal time constructed in [25] plays an important role in...

Smallness problem for quantum affine algebras and quiver varieties

David Hernandez (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

The geometric small property (Borho-MacPherson [2]) of projective morphisms implies a description of their singularities in terms of intersection homology. In this paper we solve the smallness problem raised by Nakajima [37, 35] for certain resolutions of quiver varieties [37] (analogs of the Springer resolution): for Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules of simply-laced quantum affine algebras, we characterize explicitly the Drinfeld polynomials corresponding to the small resolutions. We use an elimination...

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